
klown87 avatar image
klown87 asked

How to correctly connect/link a Phoenix and a Multiplus

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to figure out(since months) how to use/link my 2 inverters Phoenix 24V 1200VA 230V connected to Cerbo Gx via VE direct and MultiPlus 24/800/16-16 connected to the Cerbo via VE Bus,both connected to the same batteries(4*6V 400Ah Gel) with different loads connected to them; i have to say that everything works fine but the only problem(that's why im here) is that in the VRM the AC loads go crazy when both are turned on: why? What's wrong? What im missing??? Maybe the different comunication ports(VE direct and VE Bus)? Or just,simply,this is not a possible feauture with the Cerbo? If so,is there a product that i can buy and install?

Hoping that someone could FINALLY get me out of this limbo, i thank all of you for this amazing community.


cerbo gxVRMPhoenix Invertermultiplus ve.busac out
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Klown87

Your own suppositions are fairly close. The two protocols are likely fighting each other. And Cerbo can only recognize one as an inverter anyway. Multiple inverters can be configured as one on the VEBus, but they must be of identical type to do that.

What you could try is pulling the comms cable on one of them, and selecting 'Has DC System' in Cerbo. This will add a DC tile to the gui and populate it with Watts 'by difference'. Sure it says DC, but you'd read it as the DC input to your unconnected inverter. Might show up a little 'spiky' at times due to mismatched sample times, but might be enough for your needs.

The alternative is spending money on a new inverter to replace both.

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klown87 avatar image klown87 commented ·

Thanks a lot JohnC

Yes i know about the DC tile,in fact is how i'm using it at the moment but,as you know,it's not exactly the same thing,especially because i don't really get the Generator input values when i use the multi for charging and,as well,because the DC feature is used as well for another solar control charger(not victron obviusly) and a wind one so,quite a mess with values.

But,at least,you made it clear that this is not working the way i would like to: thanks a lot!

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

Andy, from the YouTube Channel "Off-Grid Garage" did exectly this. I don't remember how he solved this problem, but it works fine. Maybe there is a difference to your system, but definitely worth to check his videos (not only to this topic). ;-)

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klown87 avatar image klown87 commented ·

Hey Jetlag,thanks to you too.

If this is the video you are talking about (,it's a good one that gave me some hints but still it's not the setting i can/want to use because in this way i will loose the possibility to charge with the generator when there's not enough sun but, as i said,it gave me some other hints so,thanks again!

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