
ds1707 avatar image
ds1707 asked

Victron Dashboard AC in N/A

screenshot-2022-03-28-08-19-20-871-comandroidchrom.jpgHello Community,

I have a fresh installation of Venus OS (2.84) on raspberry and successfully added EM24 via RS485 and solar edge SE15K via Morbus TCP successfully.

Now I just saw, that in my VRM dashboard the AC In is N/A. But power of each phase is displayed. But not the sum.

Did I miss any configuration?

Can anyone help me?

Multiplus 2 is already there and will be installed in the next week's.

Best regards,


Venus OSgridem24dashboard display
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2 Answers
ds1707 avatar image
ds1707 answered ·
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @ds1707

Even if you wait for the Multi, there's still a selection to make..


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ds1707 avatar image ds1707 commented ·

Hello John,

Thanks for your reply. This change gives me a green icon but does not show any values.maybe needs some time.screenshot-2022-03-28-12-40-29-975-comandroidchrom.jpg

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ ds1707 commented ·


I actually suggest you call it 'Grid' and not 'Generator', even if you're using a genset. Grid gets treated differently in the VRM summaries and Generator misses out on being included in battery charge figures (which is mainly why a genset is used).

And even if you change as you go along, the data is stored in different registers in VRM, so never balances. Even in a Quattro, which can use both names.

Generator will almost certainly be getting it's data from Multi, so you'll need to wait for that. The installer should set all this up for you.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)