
markus avatar image
markus posted

HowTo: Disable Hotkeys in Venus Remote Console on LAN

As requested in the community, it should be possible to disable the "hotkeys field" in Remote Console on LAN. To be able to make the GUI going fullscreen, on a tablet or some kiosk mode display for example.

To do this, I created a modified Stylesheet: styles.css

Copy it on your Venus device to /var/www/javascript-vnc-client/styling/styles.css

To copy the file, you have to enable root access, following these instructions:

After clearing your browsers cache and reloading the Remote Console on LAN page, it should look like this:

This is someway update proof, as long as you don't clear you browsers cache again or change the IP address of your Venus device, the modified styles.css will stay in browsers cache after updating Venus to a new version.

The hotkeys field on Remote Console via VRM is not affected by this mod, as the hotkey controls are created by the VRM webpage.

I use this modification, to have a local fullscreen display for a VenusGX using a Raspberry Pi with display attached and Chromium browser in kiosk mode. It is also possible to connect with a VNC client to the Raspberry Pi with multiple sessions at the same time, so you can have several mirror displays, showing the same, and you are able to control Venus from every mirror.

If you want to know, how to get Chromium in kiosk mode on a Raspberry Pi, read:

If you have some further questions, I will be glad to answer them here, if I can ;o)



Venus OSmodifications
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Anil Ghatikar avatar image Anil Ghatikar commented ·

NICE modification I was looking for this a long time and somehow missed it .

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Anil Ghatikar avatar image Anil Ghatikar Anil Ghatikar commented ·


Tried the stylesheet. The only problem I have is the keys are removed but the white space is still left in place of keys. I have to zoom 150 % to fill up the screen.

Any setting I can apply to zoom the tiles on load.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ Anil Ghatikar commented ·

Hi, @Anil Ghatikar,


It seems something has changed recently.

The new path for the stylesheet is: /var/www/venus/styling

I tried to put the modified Stylesheet there (2.30-32) and it works.

I tried on IE (Windows) and Firefox (Mac) both work without a white frame.

But yes, you have to set zoom level to match full screen resolution.

The Raspi Kiosk mode (set up following your posted instructions) saves the last zoom level in my case and it is therefore going fullscreen after every reboot.

I am so thankful that you brought me to this idea, I absolutely want you to have this working too, so I will help you to get this done!



PS: look at attached screenshots. (without zooming to fullscreen) do they look the same in your case?

Its obvious to say that your screen size has to be the same ratio than 480x272 to get 100% full screen. My "Master Mirror" Raspberry Pi has exactly set this resolution. Every additional VNC mirror can fit scaling to match the ratio on any resolution.


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llubi avatar image llubi markus ♦♦ commented ·

I can’t find this folder, is it possible there is a new location?


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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ Anil Ghatikar commented ·

Still very much in "beta state" but this is my "Master Mirror" kioskPi ;o)

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romansocal avatar image romansocal markus ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you @Markus, good job.

If you like ZOOM (full screen) and white background you can change CSS:

at line: 9621:

remote-console-popup-container.logged-in {

width: 100%;

zoom: 2.1;


at line 3968:

background-color: white;

it works at Kiosk on iPad where you can't set a zoom.

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nillerk avatar image nillerk romansocal commented ·

I have the official RPI 7" screen and I cannot get this to work. It is still only at 480x272 resolution.

I can get it to increase to 800x400 but I lose access to the menu bar at the bottom. I can still see it, just not click on it.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem nillerk commented ·

You may need to recalibrate the touch surface.

There are other posts too.

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fritzvk avatar image fritzvk romansocal commented ·

I tried to edit this line, but without the zoom result. I have an iPad to acces te portal of the Venus GX, I use the standard safari browser, but it still shows the screen in the original size (without the hotkeys! So we got that far)

Anysuggestions what to do to make this work on an iPad? Or do I need a specific kiosk app?

Thanks :)

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llubi avatar image llubi markus ♦♦ commented ·
I don’t have this folder inside /var. is it possible there is a new route?


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naturalsolares avatar image naturalsolares Anil Ghatikar commented ·


Usefull stylesheet!!

i have used it in an iframe in Home Assistant

many thanks

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ezra avatar image ezra commented ·

Thanks! Could you explain how you've setup your VNC mirror or link to a guide? Can't seem to find anything thats working.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ ezra commented ·


This is a super easy task:

Activate VNC protocol in Raspberry Pi settings.

After that, download a VNC viewer on the device that you want to have the mirror and connect to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

If you register to the VNC cloud you are able to connect to your RasPi from everywhere not just inside your LAN.

Pls. try that out, and if you have further questions I will be glad to help.



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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ markus ♦♦ commented ·
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philcollins avatar image philcollins markus ♦♦ commented ·

Sorry but confused. I think I am missing something. I cant find anyway to enable vnc on the pi.are referring to a second pi?

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ philcollins commented ·

Hi @philcollins,

yes, this is all about monitoring a Venus device without display with a (2nd) Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS and local touchscreen.

The Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS acts as a VNC Server then, for more mirror displays.

Best Regards,


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Anil Ghatikar avatar image Anil Ghatikar markus ♦♦ commented ·

@Markus could you please make a modified styles.css with balck or brown background instead of white . is it possible.

The while display is jarring during the night with so much brightness

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ Anil Ghatikar commented ·

Hi Anil,

there is no real background, there is nothing. The white background is only how your browser interprets that.

I would suggest to change the resolution of your raspberry pi to a resolution matching the aspect ratio of Venus OS to be able to zoom it to fullscreen.

Since CanVu is out, it is even possible to set Venus OS itself to a higher resolution.



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fenix avatar image fenix commented ·


could you give more instruction on the how?

Copy it on your Venus device to /var/www/javascript-vnc-client/styling/styles.css


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

This is great but have two questions:

1) How do you back out these changes. I tried removing styles.css but that caused the page to fill with icons.

2) Is it possible to change the resolution for remote display on a CCGX where there is a local display?

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andreas-ziegenfeldt avatar image andreas-ziegenfeldt commented ·

Looks real nice, however mine looks like it’s zoomed in. Is that possible to fix somehow?

Is it also supposed to disconnect the console in VRM?

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juanma-haro avatar image juanma-haro andreas-ziegenfeldt commented ·

I have the same issue. Hopefully someone can help with this

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Glen avatar image Glen juanma-haro commented ·

try this and it works :

.remote-console-popup-container.logged-in {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

/* This is needed to prevent the canvas becoming tiny on some occasions.. */

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Al avatar image Al Glen commented ·

Thanks @Glen I had the same issue (a zoomed in corner) on my fully kiosk tablet after a changeover from a CCGX to Cerbo, editing how you suggested that bit of the stylesheet fixed it! :)

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Al avatar image Al Al commented ·

Just an update as I tested GUI V2 Beta today, and reverting back to GUI V1 caused the stylesheet to go back to standard, so I had to put it back again, and edit the Width/Height again as above.

The directory for the stylesheet has moved since Markus originally made this thread, it's now at:


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Al avatar image Al Al commented ·

Hi @Markus I'm finding the modified stylesheet is lost each new VenusOS update. I just updated to VenusOS v3.30 and had to upload again to the newer directory. Is there a workaround to keep it persistent? Should I also update the styless.css.package and styless.css.orig ?


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Martin Kunz avatar image Martin Kunz commented ·

I think it would be better if it was switchable. Both panels, only tales, or keypad only.

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scheinheilig avatar image scheinheilig commented ·
Works perfect with tablet and kiosk mode. Thank you :-)
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Markus contributed to this article