
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.65~9 available for testing

Good morning!

This post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program.

After last weekends release, a quick followup. Containing a few small improvements to the new Remote firmware update feature for Multis, Quattros and other VE.Bus products.

The detailed changes are listed below. The main changes in v2.65 are:

  • Add Remotely updating firmware of our Multis, Quattros and other VE.Bus products. More information about this is in the draft manual.
  • Complete the support of the MPPT RS, including DVCC. And no matter how its connected, ie via VE.Direct or VE.Can.
  • Added the new GX Tank 140 accessory. Note that I'm not yet sure if the shown new overview will make it into v2.65. Its quite likely that that will come a version later. Besides adding the new GX Tank 140, the tank functionality has also been improved by adding a configurable averaging filter, to dampen fluid movements and provide a stable reading. Its configurable between 1 and 60 seconds.
  • Added the new Lynx Smart BMS. There are no public details available for that product yet; next week on our website!

Earlier versions in the v2.65 beta series and their change logs:

Changelog v2.65~9:

  • Detect a non-converted settings template, part of remote ve.bus firmware updates, and then tell the users what to do
  • Fix issue related to systems with no VE.Direct products and/or no VE.Direct ports

What to test?

Everything ;o), but more specifically things that are closely related to parts that have been changed. Which in this release is mainly the driver for all VE.Can related communication.

Lastly, lets see if we still make release this week; but otherwise for sure it will be next week: all seems to be stable.


Venus OS
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2 Answers
Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman answered ·

Successfully remote firmware updated a single phase Quattro 15 kVA site with Fronius PV on output at a production site.

(Yes, I was onsite, yes I downgraded Venus to 2.63 before leaving)

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

haha, nice!

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Have updated this CCGX fw, how ever I cant get Device access to the 2 x 24/5000 Multiplus units to do a firmware Update as per screen shot below, The error reports 1342 which as per notes say this COULD be and more than likely is that the CCGX hardware is two old.

However the serial No is NOT being shown under gateway for this device as well, Is this normal ???? or does this mean its the early version as well ???.

HOW else can I confirm the serial number, without a trip to site to remove the unit and check.

I have updated its firmware to 2.65~9 for the time being,



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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

The draft manual tells you how to determine of the CCGX is too old by looking at the MK2 line under the Multi

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Paul B avatar image Paul B Kevin Windrem commented ·

Thanks Kevin

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neoneddy avatar image neoneddy commented ·

I had same error. I had to update with VictronConnect via USB MK3 Adapter. Here is a video I made on how to do it. This cleared the error.

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman neoneddy commented ·

Good work! Not clear from the video whether the firmware update you did was applied to one or both units.

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