
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.65~5 available for testing

Good day!

A new beta version, v2.65~5 is now available to be field tested.

Changes are below. Thank you @Alan Peng, @Harold, @djghosie, @N-DEE, @Kris, @Roger Seibel, @warwick as well as @dunnp for the feedback. Much appreciated!

The current status & plan for v2.65 is that we're nearly done on the new Remote VE.Bus Firmware updates (more information about that), most if not all reported issues have been fixed, and a few other new features are on our list to test and complete. The goal remains to release and finish this version still this month.

This post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program.

Change log v2.65~5

  • Various improvements on the Remote VE.Bus firmware update feature, including that it now works on RaspberryPis.
  • Fix connection issue to Solar Chargers via VE.Can
  • Fix a few small formatting issue in the HTML5 App
  • Fix the connection issues in VRM Realtime and the HTML5 App. The problem was that the MQTT data stream got stuck on certain system configurations.

Earlier change logs:

All the best, Matthijs

Venus OS
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5 Answers
roger-seibel avatar image
roger-seibel answered ·

everything works again, thanks!

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dunnp avatar image
dunnp answered ·

I'd love to say the remote VE.Bus f/w upgrade worked, but I hit a snag. The actual f/w got upgraded to v481 but the reload of the config did not work and I had to resort to VE.Configure to get it working (ie charging, ignore AC etc) again.

I didn't grab any screenshots so am working from (imperfect) memory here... There was a message to the effect that the connection was lost; there were 3 attempts to reconnect then an error message to say it failed and try again later. I'm not sure if I did something wrong along the way, but I did get a strange message (in red) from the Mk3 saying 'Mk3 has bad firmware, do you want to fix it?' I hit Yes and was then able to load a previously saved config file and get everything working again.

My little test system is a Multi 24/800 now on v481 and RPi on v2.65~5 talking to Multi via Mk3-USB plus BMV and MPPT. I'm interested if anyone else has had success with a RPI-based setup?



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

We’ll check what happened, is it ok if we login to your gx device / rpi using the remote support feature?

And is your perhaps rpi powered on the ac out of the inverter?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Or is your internet connection powered bu the inverter? Ie your modem?

and lastly, its your systems called “shed” I suppose?

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dunnp avatar image dunnp mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Yes it is called ‘shed’. RPi is powered from battery and unaffected by the inverter but there is a router powered from the inverter that would have dropped the network if the inverter stopped working.

You are most welcome to login.

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n-dee avatar image
n-dee answered ·

VE-CAN MPPTs got notification "devices missing" @ bootup but were found again and are working now.
Unfortunately I'm on newest Multi-firmware so not able to test the upgrade procedure

VRM working for me. Realtime data ok, no more "invalid keys". One thing remains: in the overview of installations the one that has realtime still shows last actualisation a minute ago / two minute ago etc.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks n-dee. That installation overview issue is not related to v2.65. Or is it?

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n-dee avatar image n-dee mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

no - thats not specific to 2.65~5, I think thats website-related.

VE-CAN MPPTs missing notification will be displayed at each bootup now. so this might be related to firmwareupgrade. Have this also in ~7


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philippe avatar image
philippe answered ·

Just to say that the firmware update of the multiplus worked smoothly (bearbendum). No bugs found up to know. Good job done.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Philippe!

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hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear answered ·

With every update I always have to re-toggle "Has DC System" as my DC information disappears. I also have to re-select the battery monitor and shared temperature sensor. Slightly annoying but by now I know to do it :)

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