
philippe avatar image
philippe asked

VRM and remote console


I run into a strange situation. The system is logged by VRM but I can not log in on the remote console and the strange thing, the GUI reports no ethernet (unplugged) and no Wi-Fi (no Wi-Fi adapter connected).

In the diagnostics Remote support IP and port = 0 / Remote ip adress = reported / Local ip address = empty

To tackle a number of questions, it all worked since longtime except that from time to time, i can not connect to the remote console and I have not been able to find out why.

Major components of the configuration with firmware version:

  • Venus GX [v3.40~21]
  • MultiPlus Compact 12/800/35-16 [508]
  • BMV-712 Smart [v4.16]
  • SmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/35 [v1.64]
  • Netgear Nighthawk M1 MR1100 [] with Base LTE B20 (Belgium)

I like to get the problem of bad Ethernet/Wi-Fi solved and hopefully a more stable Remote Console accessibility.

Best regards,


VRMremote consolewifiethernet
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philippe avatar image philippe commented ·

Small update. Moved to the firmware up to v3.40~29.
Now more details on the connections, still no ethernet but the cable is connected. But now I have Wi-Fi connected and details are available (reason why i did the fw upgrade).

But still no remote console. Remote support IP and port = 0 // Remote support = enabled.

Subsidiary question, how to determine the default gateway (diagnostics: Gateway 0 dg (985) Default gateway Wifi)

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2 Answers
Alwin Schulze avatar image
Alwin Schulze answered ·

Hast Du denn Remote-Konsole "auf VRM aktivieren" aktiviert?


1718715672974.png (27.6 KiB)
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philippe avatar image philippe commented ·
Yes it is.

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

You are using a "non-official" version of VenusOS, as far as I know 3.33 is the latest official version. Maybe there is a problem...?

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