
klandos avatar image
klandos asked

Cerbo VRM connectivity issues

Hey there,

I’ve a Cerbo GX which is connected to 2 different networks.

Via LAN to a local only network with all technically devices.

Via WiFI to a Wifi for all kind of devices.

Only on the wifi network is an internet connection.

Cerbo GX seems to try only the Ethernet for Internet / VRM Portal (error #155).

Is there any way to tell the cerbo to use WiFi for VRM Portal?

Putting internet connectivity on the ineternal network is no option.

thanks in advance!

cerbo gxVRMwificonnection issueethernet
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4 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

I seem to recall reading before that if both Ethernet and WiFi are connected at the same time, that the cerbo will automatically prefer the Ethernet connection for internet/VRM. I don't believe there is any option to change this behavior, unless you are intimately familiar with Linux, in which case you might be able to do something under the hood. Are you able to connect your peripheral devices via WiFi instead of Ethernet? That would be a viable solution. If you are just concerned about not having them on a network that is accessible from the internet you could connect them to the built in wifi access point instead.

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klandos avatar image
klandos answered ·

The internal Ethernet is the one from the ship where more or less critical technical devices are connected. No way to connect the cerbo through WiFi with that network. (Sure I could use a WiFi to Ethernet bridge, but I would like to avoid that!)

I really don’t want internet uplink there.

On the WiFi - where the cerbo is connected to - is internet uplink and all smartphones / entertainment devices and so on…

I’m happy to change things through ssh, just need to know what kind of settings survives reboots and updates :)

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

See 6.7 of the Cerbo manual.

When both present with internet, will use the ethernet. Otherwise searches the interfaces to see which has internet and uses that.

So your problem is that it's not seeing the internet. Or the WiFi connection. Maybe disconnect ethernet, configure test using WiFi only and then reconnect ethernet and see what happens.

Best make sure there's no bridge via the Cerbo between the networks.

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klandos avatar image klandos commented ·
At the moment the ship devices (router) are off, but the switch is online and the dhcp lease of the Ethernet connection still exists.

I switch the Ethernet dhcp to manual and back to automatic which ends in no IP and the cerbo connected through WiFi.

Question is what happens when the ship devices are on / off again. I’ll report that.

Manual point 6.7. Is exactly what would be perfect…

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klandos avatar image klandos klandos commented ·

Question is what happens when the ship devices are on / off again. I’ll report that.

After the ship devices has been on, an IP has been obtained.

after it has been switched off It does not work again.

WiFi connected with internet. Ethernet with dhcp address but no gateway only. -> VRM offline.

Any ideas?

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lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

Give the GX a fixed IP with the gateway you prefer (WiFi), Make sure this IP is outside the DHCP range but within the network segment.

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