
Tomáš Závodný avatar image
Tomáš Závodný asked

Remote console Failed to connect. after firmware upgrade v3.00->v3.30

I have Cerbo GX firmware version 3.00, remote console worked on LAN without any problem. I made online upgrade Cerbo GX to 3.30 and then Cerbo GX Console stopped working. Not working localy, even not working via VRM portal. Other data on VRM portal works. What should I do to gain acces?


Remote Console through VRM not working:

Marine APP works:

cerbo gxVenus OSremote console
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8 Answers
Tomáš Závodný avatar image
Tomáš Závodný answered ·

After two another reboots it started working..

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onkeltom27 avatar image
onkeltom27 answered ·

same here. After two restarts (power off/power on) it started working.

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Elvet Gehring avatar image
Elvet Gehring answered ·

Attempted the firmware upgrade to version 3.30 this morning and observed the following:

  1. Unable to connect to Cerbo GX from the LAN or Wi-Fi
  2. Inverter did not switch to MAINS_ON after GRID power re-established. Estimate up to 5 minutes for Relays to kick in.


Powered down the System and the Cerbo GX and after a wait time of approximately 60 seconds powered the solar system up again.

The Cerbo GX response time was slow with version 3.30.

Reverted to Firmware version 3.22.

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Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

Experienced similar problems today after upgrading my Cerbo GX from 3.22 til 3.30. The Cerbo GX has both ethernet connection as well as Wifi Backup. Both remote console as well as well as Node Red failed to launch on local LAN and Wifi. Multiple restarts and relaunch got it to work, just to failed again after a while.

Remote access to Console via VRM worked but was very slow.

Problem solved by reinstalling 3.22

To me it is clear that there is something wrong with 3.30 regarding network- May we expect a fix?

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lfhoward avatar image
lfhoward answered ·

Same issue here, no Remote Console on LAN. I also noted today that the ip address of my GX device is not listed in the connected devices list on my router, even though the GX has network connectivity and I can ping it from another device on the network. I also am not able to access the GX device via the VictronConnect app locally over Bluetooth. I don’t know if all these problems are related but thought I would list them here in case they are. The VRM works fine and I can access the remote console that way, although it uses up my data quite quickly.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi All,

Thanks for the reports, apologies for the issue. I have passed this on to R&D to investigate.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi all,

There is a new beta v3.31 just released that should fix this issue -

If you are not comfortable using a beta version, just wait until the normal release, it should be following soon once testing is complete.

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donpacoscountryhouse avatar image
donpacoscountryhouse answered ·

several revertions. !!! had my cerbo gx bought on feb 2023 and it was all working fine and well up untill up until evil came and started notifying us of updates. one thinks things will be better. i've had the most horrendous waste of my valuable time reverting and reverting and reverting,, i think evil victron wants my cerbo my 300 plus dollars to be bricked. it seems its the way is going. no revertion seems to fix my problem.. yes my ip is fixed, yes all my parameters are just fine. !!!
i regret to have out my trust in victron products. Francis from Honduras.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Please stop spamming your problem in different threads. I deleted all your other posts.

Via Victron Professional you can download all older FW.

Did you try a full factory reset?

If that also doesn't help you should get in touch with the seller from whom you bought the device.

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