
evofxdwg avatar image
evofxdwg asked

BMV 712: How many relays and physical connection?

I can't find a picture, wiring diagram, or list of relay physical connections to the BMV-712 Smart in any of the posted Victron documentation.

But the manual defines all of these relay functions: "alarm relay", "low voltage relay", "SOC relay", "high voltage relay", "low starter voltage relay", "high starter voltage relay", "high temperature relay", "mid voltage relay".

In googling around, I found what claims to be a picture of the back of the BMV-712 with only two wire connection that might be a single relay interface. I don't know if that picture is accurate.

Are there multiple relays for user external connection or one? If one, are all those functions mentioned for setup using the same relay, implying I need to use the USB data connection to determine which function toggled the (single relay)?

I need this information to design my system.

BMV Battery MonitorVEConfigure 3wiringRelaywiring diagram
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

"I need this information to design my system. "

The BMV has one relay. You get to configure it (via software) for desired use/function.

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Related Resources

Victron BMV battery monitors product page

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron Wiring Unlimited PDF

Victron Wiring Unlimited Online