
kennarda69 avatar image
kennarda69 asked

I bought a second hand Cerbo GX- I cannot acces

I bought a second hand Cerbo GX- The initial owner is unknown. How can I register me as the owner

cerbo gxVRMsupport
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Try register it. The origional owner would be notified. If they are decent they will respond.

If not there is the official channels to persue.

See the support links "how to change the admin" under additional resources under warranty and repairs in the right hand side bar menu ->

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Stan avatar image Stan commented ·

Hello Alexandra, so is it possible to unregister the first owner and register cerbo again to new owner? Friend of mine just bought second hand Cerbo with same problem. img-5458.jpeg

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img-5458.jpeg (166.7 KiB)
vovarpd avatar image
vovarpd answered ·

I just bought a used Venus GX on, and I had the same problem. I have no idea who the administrator is. The private seller told me he had removed the Venus from his VRM portal.

How I can resolve the issue?


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Normally the previous owner is the administrator.

You can check with the serial number who the distributor is and ask him for help.

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vovarpd avatar image vovarpd Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Thanks. The dealer did resolve my problem.

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