
Lindsay avatar image
Lindsay asked

Grounding the Neutral of the Battery

We have a 3-phase ESS 5KVA multiplus-ll inverter installed it's using a Freedom Won 53V Battery.

The connection is battery to Bus-Bars. Bus-Bar to circuit breakers to inverters

My question is, must the neutral of the battery be grounded also?

Multiplus-IILithium BatterybatteryBattery ProtectGrounding
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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Short story long. It is not required by the system to do so. Local regs may specify it is required (though not in SA). It is good practice to ground the casing.

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der-neue-hier avatar image
der-neue-hier answered ·

But why is it shown in Wiring unlimited that the Battery has to be grounded?


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mvas avatar image mvas commented ·
That diagram is merely a "suggestion".

There is no requirement from Victron, that your system be exactly like the example drawing.
This is just 1 way, that your system could be designed.
Your local laws must be followed.
Your local electrical inspector may demand something different.

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T F avatar image
T F answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) would live to get guidance from Victron here as well. Have the same question.



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It is exactly as @nickdb says.

Grounding of the negative battery terminal is totally dependent on regional specific standards.

Victron has no strict requirements one way or the other, and both or either may be shown in diagrams.

In my area, it is not done, but then the battery positive and negative both need to be fused and possible to isolate.

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semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj answered ·

I went to the trouble of grounding my Multi RS Solar negative battery terminal based on the diagram on Victrons website. I do take the point that it is also down to local regulations but I would have thought I should be equally complying with Victrons recommendations as well unless there is a conflict. Warranties are quite often revoked if you don't follow the manufacturer's suggested wiring so it makes sense to follow it.

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