
dune7 avatar image
dune7 asked

Octopus Agile API Support by Victron For Controlling Charging Off Peak Times

Thank you so much for the very informative webinar on 23/11/22.

Octopus Energy in the UK is disrupting the energy industry for good and their Kraken platform is in many countries bought by suppliers and growing.

Will Victron please look at integration with Octopus Kraken API to allow us to auto set charging times when energy prices are low and export when high?

“Works with Octopus” is a standard attained by many ESS systems and it would be great if Victron would look at putting this on their roadmap.

NodeRed and some technical challenges aren’t for all of us and I believe it would help in adoption of Victron into many domestic installations where people just aren’t getting the quality and support from certain other brands.

Standards to help home storage and EV take-up are so very crucial to environmental gains and the rapid change needed to combat climate change.

Many thanks for your great work. New Solar ESS Victron User in the UK, Installed by Callidus, another great cutting edge supplier and supporter of Victron.

battery chargingapioctopus
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5 Answers
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@Dune7 There is a simplistic solution to this. In short, use a IFTTT enabled time clock (like a Heatmiser Neostat 2 HW with hub), wire it into one of the relays on the Multiplus with an assistant for charge current controller, and set up an applet on IFTTT with Octopus Agile IFTTT service for charge when below £x, or charge 8 lowest cost half hour periods.

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jameshoare1964 avatar image jameshoare1964 commented ·
@Jason - UK Thank you very helpful. Always great to unfreeze a way of thinking, and look for a simple solution instead. Presumably if one sets another applet on IFTT for charge negatively ie discharge for 8 highest half hour periods - that is job done.
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Richard Weir avatar image
Richard Weir answered ·
  1. @Jason - UK thanks for the tips, that sounds great. I’m just wondering how the heating controller is physically wired into the Multiplus 2 and how it’s configured with the ESS, some more detail would be helpful. I’m also a mechanical engineer and a heating engineer and doing some similar stuff as you. I’ve installed a Viessmann 150a heat pump and running it of 20kwh of PylonTech batteries, connected to Octopus Go.
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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·

@Richard Weir I use Heatmiser Neostats V2 for a lot of things. Even if you buy one of their thermostats, you can change the thermostat to time clock mode only which is actually cheaper than buying the Neostat V2 HW time clock. Set up an assistant for the current charge control to the relevant wired connection. It takes at bit of playing around to use a 3rd party controller with ESS & scheduled charge. In short, the assistant only throttles charging so inherently you set up your scheduled charge during periods of no potential solar generation, then use the time clock to allow or 'stop' the charge depending on when the cheap rate electric is.

My advise is use a cheap time clock to test your set up and see if it works for you as its not 100% perfect solution. Im working on a node red solution currently that Im aiming to be 100% perfect solution to charging on the Octopus Agile tariff.


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Richard Weir avatar image
Richard Weir answered ·

Hi @Jason - UK , Thanks for the tips most helpful. I have ordered a controller and see where it links in and have programed the assistant to take the other input. Like you say, i'll test it with another device first. What has been your experience of Octopus lowering the tariff? Cheers, Richard.

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·

@Richard Weir I've been following the Agile tariff for a while now and its defo a winner in the summer but the winter its difficult to tell because of the instability Truss brought to the energy markets. Things have been very stable since that woman left office.

My opinion is if you have battery storage to cover your daily usage, then the Octopus Go is the better tariff as you can charge on the 12p off-peak rate but you only get the SEG 4.1p/kWh for export. If not enough battery storage or no batteries at all, then then the Octopus Agile is best as the average rate on the Agile has been around the 20p mark other than between 3pm and 7pm providing you can shift your energy usage outside 3-7pm but the Agile then pays retail rates for export which last summer went well in excess of £1/kWh at times. If you have a PV array that as a year generates double your annual demand, then the Agile is a winner based on this winter and summer as the increased cost of energy on the Agile is noting compaired to how much you will earn on the Agile Export tariff.

Ideally the best thing is for you to assess yourself which is best for yourself using the data available. I use a app call 'OctopusCompair' which costs about £1 per month and then also the data on the below link. OctopusCompair can work out which is cheapest for you based on your usage as it takes your meter data and compares t against what ever tariff you select.

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nw24 avatar image
nw24 answered ·

Since Victron have now introduced 1/2 time slots for DESS, I have developed a Node-Red solution to integrating Octopus Agile tariff prices.

Which gives me the following for yesterday and today.


The Node-Red flow looksl like:


The Trigger takes the data from the great work on this link and adding an addional Build and Save Tariff array to return it as £ rather than pence ready to send using VRM API. It reads a global array.


This is then split and the times are converted to local time and rejoined and then sorted into time order and then times from 23:00 - 22:59 and sorted by time order or 17:00 - 16:59. Its then converted to a JSON and appended to other data to inject into VRM API for the prices. Note this uses the Fixed price model and changes it twice a day.

My Node Red code for my additional flow if its useful (you will neeed to replace nnnn) with your VRM site id )

[{"id":"ad02a0a637157bf0","type":"vrm-api","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","vrm":"26857d65984e2624","name":"","api_type":"installations","idUser":"","users":"","idSite":"nnnn","installations":"patch-dynamic-ess-settings","attribute":"","stats_interval":"","show_instance":false,"stats_start":"","stats_end":"","use_utc":false,"widgets":"","instance":"","vrm_id":"","country":"","b_max":"","tb_max":"","fb_max":"","tg_max":"","fg_max":"","b_cycle_cost":"","buy_price_formula":"","sell_price_formula":"","green_mode_on":"","feed_in_possible":"","feed_in_control_on":"","b_goal_hour":"","b_goal_SOC":"","store_in_global_context":false,"verbose":false,"x":1080,"y":560,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"f602efd7caec1239","type":"inject","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"Trigger 22:55","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"55 22 * * *","once":false,"onceDelay":"30","topic":"","payload":"OctAgileTariff1","payloadType":"global","x":120,"y":420,"wires":[["c0facf4b64b747dc"]]},{"id":"5480aa651015fe94","type":"moment","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"Conv UTC to Local FromTime","topic":"","input":"payload.fullfrom","inputType":"msg","inTz":"ETC/utc","adjAmount":0,"adjType":"days","adjDir":"add","format":"HH:mm","locale":"C","output":"payload.from","outputType":"msg","outTz":"Europe/London","x":550,"y":420,"wires":[["a9a1fe36f995f974"]]},{"id":"6b2b43e5b12afbea","type":"change","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"Sort into time order","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"/* look at latest prices, sorted by ascending import cost */\t/* pick the lowest <sample size>, create new object for each */\t/* with {date, from, upto, cost} Sort by date & time */\t\tpayload[[0..95]]^(fullfrom).{\t \"date\": date,\t \"from\": from,\t \"to\": to,\t \"price\": price\t}","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":250,"y":500,"wires":[["5227185b1e8a081a"]]},{"id":"5227185b1e8a081a","type":"change","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"take 23:00 to 23:00","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"/* look at latest prices, sorted by ascending import cost */\t/* pick the lowest <sample size>, create new object for each */\t/* with {date, from, upto, cost} Sort by date & time */\t\tpayload[[48..95]]^(from).{\t \"from\":from,\t \"to\":to,\t \"price\":price\t }","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":470,"y":500,"wires":[["4fef81d6bda35386"]]},{"id":"c0facf4b64b747dc","type":"split","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"","splt":"\\n","spltType":"str","arraySplt":1,"arraySpltType":"len","stream":false,"addname":"","property":"payload","x":330,"y":420,"wires":[["5480aa651015fe94"]]},{"id":"80f3c6b1f247af8b","type":"join","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"","mode":"auto","build":"merged","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","key":"topic","joiner":"\\n","joinerType":"str","accumulate":false,"timeout":"","count":"48","reduceRight":false,"reduceExp":"","reduceInit":"","reduceInitType":"num","reduceFixup":"","x":1070,"y":420,"wires":[["6b2b43e5b12afbea"]]},{"id":"a9a1fe36f995f974","type":"moment","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"Conv UTC to Local 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*","once":false,"onceDelay":"30","topic":"","payload":"OctAgileTariff1","payloadType":"global","x":130,"y":700,"wires":[["24d8c08abd860a64"]]},{"id":"3f28e85712fab76c","type":"moment","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"Conv UTC to Local 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FromTime","topic":"","input":"payload.fullupto","inputType":"msg","inTz":"ETC/utc","adjAmount":0,"adjType":"days","adjDir":"add","format":"HH:mm","locale":"C","output":"","outputType":"msg","outTz":"Europe/London","x":870,"y":700,"wires":[["20dc892e06835175"]]},{"id":"f956d69c8b47142a","type":"change","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"Sort into time order","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"/* look at latest prices, sorted by ascending import cost */\t/* pick the lowest <sample size>, create new object for each */\t/* with {date, from, upto, cost} Sort by date & time */\t\tpayload[[0..95]]^(fullfrom).{\t \"date\": date,\t \"from\": from,\t \"to\": to,\t \"price\": price\t}","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":250,"y":600,"wires":[["75cf42b81a268321"]]},{"id":"75cf42b81a268321","type":"change","z":"45f00bad4d9375ae","name":"take 17:00 to 17:00","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"/* look at latest prices, sorted by ascending import cost */\t/* pick the lowest <sample size>, create new object for each */\t/* with {date, from, upto, cost} Sort by date & time */\t\tpayload[[36..83]]^(from).{\t \"from\":from,\t \"to\":to,\t \"price\":price\t }","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":470,"y":600,"wires":[["4fef81d6bda35386"]]},{"id":"26857d65984e2624","type":"config-vrm-api","name":"Home Integration"}]

(This is my first post with anything technical but I'm a real novice at this stuff, but learning fast!)

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nw24 avatar image
nw24 answered ·

To add to my above post my Build and Save node export is:

[{"id":"50216fa86db98793","type":"change","z":"03e5198e519f6178","g":"e42010beae8f7fa5","name":"Build & Save Tariff Array","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"payload.import#$i.{\t \"fullfrom\": valid_from,\t \"fullupto\": valid_to,\t \"date\": $substring(valid_from,0,10),\t \"from\": $substring(valid_from,11,5),\t \"to\": $substring(valid_to,11,5),\t \"price\": value_inc_vat /100\t}^(from)","tot":"jsonata"},{"t":"set","p":"OctAgileTariff1","pt":"global","to":"payload","tot":"msg","dc":true}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":810,"y":160,"wires":[[]]}]

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