
jonmarinello avatar image
jonmarinello asked

Controlling Multiplus from VRM

I really want to control my Multiplus from VRM. I think I have several issues that may now allow this.

  1. BMV-712 connected to my Cerbo-GX
  2. Digital Multi Control 200/200A GX Remote Control Panel connected directly
  3. VE.BUS Bluetooth Smart dongle connected I believe to my Cerbo-GX

What do I need to change to allow me to control my Multiplus from VRM?

Ideally, I would also like to continue my use of the smart dongle so I can also control the Multiplus from VictronConnect.

Multiplus-IIVRMmultiplus ve.bus
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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jonmarinello avatar image jonmarinello commented ·

I tried that and still doesn't work. But I get this error when I attempt to turn on my inverter: A real-time connection is not available right now. I also re-verified that I have the Inverter/Changer Control enabled in general settings.

As stated above when I wrote up this posting I still have this setup:

  1. BMV-712 connected to my Cerbo-GX
  2. VE.BUS Bluetooth Smart dongle connected I believe to my Cerbo-GX

Next steps?

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jonmarinello avatar image
jonmarinello answered ·

Removing the Digital Multi Control didn't address the problem. What else can I try?

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jonmarinello avatar image jonmarinello commented ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) Can you chime in here? I haven't gotten anywhere with this.


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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Without realtime access the VRM controls will not be available.

So you need to make sure those are enabled and your internet connection can support that.

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Curtis avatar image
Curtis answered ·

The smart dongle needs to be connected to the Multi, not the Cerbo, which already has Bluetooth built in.

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