
deichel avatar image
deichel asked

Octo GX & EM24 Energy meter connection, separate USB RS485 required?

Hi !

Does the Octo GX require an USB-RS485 converter to read the EM24 energy meter or can i connect the EM24 directly to the Octo GX A,B terminals?

Thanks for your feedback!



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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

there are two types on EM24 meters one that requires a USB to RS485 and another that can connect directly to the network port thus only requiring a RJ45 cable and a router

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deichel avatar image
deichel answered ·

Hi !

I think was not precise enough in my question.

I want to use the EM24 with RS485 Interface with the Octo GXs RS485 input.

Can I use for that purpose the RS485 input on the Octo GX that is already built in the Octo GX or do I need a separate RS485 -> USB converter.



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matthias-roetzer avatar image
matthias-roetzer answered ·


I had issues when connecting ET112 to native RS484 of OctoGX as well. VICTRON had a look at my OctoGX and told me there was an issue with it. I'm using now USB to RS485 converter.


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Related Resources

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Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485

VictronConnect Manual

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