
Paul avatar image
Paul asked

Show Starter Battery Voltage on GX Touch


we have a Cerbo GX with GX Touch 50 installed on our boat and are desperately looking for a setting to display the voltage of the starter battery. We have a Smart Shunt 500 in the system and can only display the voltage of the starter battery via Bluetooth. Is there also a way to display the voltage in the system overview on the Touch 50?

cerbo gxSmartShuntgx devicestarter battery
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6 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Not directly on the overview but in the device list you can select the SmartShunt and should be able to see the starter voltage.

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Paul avatar image
Paul answered ·

Thanks for the quick reply.

Is there a simple way to customize the overview?

It should work via QmL. Only I have not quite understood whether this is only for the Raspberry Pi version or also for a normal Cerbo GX.

I can program a little bit and work already the whole evening through the forum.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You said Bluetooth, s I wonder if VictronConnect shows the aux battery voltage.

For Cerbo (which isn’t available via Bluetooth), you should be able to modify one of the overviews to show the additional voltage. You first need to find the parameter in dBus. dbus-spy allows you to look around at all the services. You’d want to look at the smart shunt service. You can also probably find the parameter by looking at the shunt device page code.

Then you need to find something you can eliminate to show another battery icon (hub aka FLow overview) or tile (Mobile or Tile overview).

If you don’t have solar, a second battery object could be put on the right side of the Flow Overview.

If it’s just voltage, you may be able to find space for a single line of text somewhere.

Happy coding.

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itsme avatar image
itsme answered ·

How can I find the name of the variable for the starter battery voltage? (BMV 712 Smart)?

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luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·
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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·

Thanks - but I think that's for BMS via serial...

I just find the solution using the following command in the shell:


That gives me an overview of all connected devices and by selecting one I get all the details of it.



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maika avatar image
maika answered ·

Hallo Kevin & Luphi,

just an idea, a request & a question for both of you. Would it be possible to display the voltage of the starter battery via "GuiMods" in the Cerbo GX touch screen?
Or do your two solutions work independently of each other?

I already had this question:

Thank You... :-)

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