
David Hoy avatar image
David Hoy asked

Orion Smart 12/12-30 to charge AGM bank from Lithium battery?

I'm adding a Relion RB300 battery to my electrical system (got it very cheap), and want to use it as a solar "header tank" of sorts. The plan is to charge the lithium battery from solar only, and connect the lithium to the AGM bank with an Orion 12/12-30 isolated charger. All boat loads are connected to the AGM house bank. The solar panels charge the lithium whenever there's enough sun, and the lithium in turn tops off the AGM, probably keeping at or near float all the time.

Question is, is the Orion 12/12-30 isolated the right tool for the job?



battery chargingLithium Batteryorion-tr smartAGM Battery
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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·


I have just installed a Victron Smart Lithium Bank, and used a 24/12-30 to charge my AGM. It is the non-isolated version.

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1 Answer
Trina avatar image
Trina answered ·

While I don't know the answer I want to ad make sure that whatever off-the-lithium device you use can handle the voltage drop (most use lithium as they can drain down more for far more cycles) and keep outputting to your AGM's. I ran into issues when I first tried this when my charger would cut out once my lithium packs got down to 50%.

If you get confirmation here of a good device I'll be interested!

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