
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

VictronConnect for Linux - download & instructions

Hello all,

Some good news tonight, we're releasing VictronConnect for Linux on x86 and x64 systems.

Details below, enjoy!

Best regards, Matthijs

Not officially supported

To start straight off with the limitations: unfortunately we do not officially support it. Its provided here as is, and we tested it to work on a few systems. But we can't help neither experienced nor inexperienced users with making it work on their Linux systems. And also I can't promise to be able to maintain our usual fast response to fixing bugs in case there are linux-specific bugs or limitations.

If there are issues, I'd expect them on the Bluetooth Connection side, and maybe some rendering issues; as well as other areas where its platform specific. Its built from the same source code as the Apple, Android and Windows versions of VictronConnect: so most of it will work just the same as there.

Where to download?


We tested it on these distributions:

  • Ubuntu LTS (16.04, 18,04)
  • Mint Cinnamon (3)
  • Debian (10.2)
  • OpenSuse Leap (15.1)
  • and read through comments and answers below to learn about experiences on other distros

Installation instructions:

  • After downloading the AppImage file, the execute bit must be set (chmod +x *.AppImage). On first program execution the application will be integrated into the menu/launcher.
  • On some systems a session restart is needed (sign off/sign on) to reload the menu/launcher.
  • The shortcut is installed into $HOME/.local/share/applications/VictronConnect.desktop. In case the AppImage file is moved from the directory where it was executed the first time the shortcut must be deleted or manually edited to update is with the new location.
  • To connect to bluetooth devices the bluetooth controller must be activated.
    - Using GUI settings panel provided by the distribution, or
    - using command line by executing "systemctl start bluetooth"
  • Mutimedia uses Gstreamer multimedia framework (minimum 0.10.24, or 1.x), and also the GStreamer following plugins: 'good', 'ugly', 'bad', ffmpeg (0.10), and libav (1.x)
  • To work with USB devices (VE.Direct USB cable, MK3-USB cable) the user running VictronConnect must be a member of the dialup user group.

Bluetooth usage instructions

Open VictronConnect press scan and connect to one of the found devices. If after a 20 seconds you don't see a pairing dialog close VictronConnect and open a terminal.

In the terminal and run the bluetoothctl command line tool, type "default-agent" without the quotes and press enter. Leave the terminal visible on one side of the screen and open VictronConnect, press scan and connect to one of the found devices, after a few seconds the bluetoothctl tool will ask for the pin code type it in and press enter.

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captainmagnus avatar image captainmagnus commented ·

Any chance of making the Linux version available as a flatpak?

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frying-ule avatar image frying-ule commented ·

Hello, for me the app doesn't want to find my victron charge controller via usb at all arch distros i tested. It worked with every ubuntu, but with the archs I just can't get it to work, it doesn't want to find my blue solar. This gstreamer is installed, victron is registered in the dialup group and the gstreamer "bad" plugin cannot be installed, and the plugin packages in the yay are orphaned. in addition, were they not even necessary in Ubuntu distros or were they already pre-installed?

Is it because of that or does someone know why it doesn't work? Works great in most ubuntu distros for me but i have to use an arch because problems with brandnew hardware.

I do not know how to continue.

Best regards to you! and thank you for reading this.

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petaramesh avatar image petaramesh commented ·

I'm happy to report that VictronConnect works great on Manjaro Linux (Arch based) with my 7 different Victron devices.

It is although necessary to use “bluetoothctl” as stated above if the devices bluetooth pin is not the default 000000.
On Manjaro Linux, this needs the “bluez-utils” package to be installed.

One thing however : The “Connect to VRM portal” in the parameters seems to do just nothing.

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raphael avatar image raphael petaramesh commented ·
I am new to Linux and I tried it with Manjaro and Mint. Mint works better out of the box, but I could not use the VRM-portal. I wished there was a way to login to the VRM-portal in the Victron connect app. Forwarding to the browser does work. But then it does not go back to the victron connect app.
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kai-ai avatar image kai-ai commented ·


is there a Version of Victron Connect available which runs on RaspberryPi (e.g. Debian GNU/Linux 12)

Regards Kai

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obiwobi avatar image obiwobi commented ·

No luck here, Ubuntu 22.04, log has "This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized." it lists all available plugins, of which all are installed. Tried everything I can find searching forums with no luck.

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29 Answers
greg-1 avatar image
greg-1 answered ·

Great! Any chances for an ARM (Raspberry) version?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Greg. Yes - some day, maybe :-). But have to keep it vague, we’re not really prioritising that.

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mike-g avatar image mike-g mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Here's a vote for RPi. It would be extremely useful for remote access to the expanding line of Bluetooth devices.

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Dennis Hedberg avatar image Dennis Hedberg mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·


Any news regarding this? I vote for it too! :)

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Dennis Hedberg commented ·

Not anytime soon I’m afraid. In the end, relatively, the amount of people using this will be low; and it means we have to make sure it remains working: will slow us down.


note that you can do quite a lot remotely (as long as the connections are wired, not bluetooth, through venus os)

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Albert Mantel avatar image Albert Mantel mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

I have an inverter/charger 24 | 5000 | 120 - 100 | 230/240V and a MK3-USB Interface. I want to integrate the Inverter in my modbus environment, based on a raspberry pi 4b software written by myself in Python. Other systems are already integrated and I am familiar with Modbus. I am looking for the USB driver for the MK3-USB interface. I want to use the Interface only for reading from and not writing too the inverter. Thanks Albert

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·
Would definitely love to see an RPi version!
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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Nice work!
I have quickly spun up a Ubuntu 18.04 VM to test this, it works fine so far.
No Bluetooth on a remote VM of course, I will try this another time, but it can see my Venus device if I change VM to the same subnet.

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neoneddy avatar image
neoneddy answered ·

Can we get some macOS love?

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Evandro Martinez Ribeiro avatar image Evandro Martinez Ribeiro commented ·

Hi @neoneddy , macOS is officially supported. see

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neoneddy avatar image neoneddy Evandro Martinez Ribeiro commented ·

Sorry, I was thinking VE Configure . That's the one I really want. With Mojave I can't run it in Wine anymore.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ neoneddy commented ·

VEConfigure will never become native for MacOS.

But VictronConnect is, and can already be used for basic configuration of our inverter/chargers. See VictronConnect manual for details. In the coming time, you can expect that functionality to increase.

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koen-werniers avatar image
koen-werniers answered ·

The software works on openSUSE Tumbleweed.
But i had to open konsole for the pincodes.
(bluetoothctl command line tool, type "default-agent" ........)


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Koen, yes thats necessary for some distros, see instructions above.

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Matthew avatar image
Matthew answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy Staff) I've just tested this on Slackware 14.2 and get the following error:

bash-4.3$ ./VictronConnect-linux-x86_64-v5.19.AppImage 
/tmp/.mount_VictrokUZHZe/AppRun: line 23: [: argument expected

I've fixed errors like this before... It's often due to something like this in the script:

[ $1 = ""]

which should really be

[ $1 == "" ]

Hope that's helpful... !

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ♦ commented ·

That is bashism, you should avoid the ==.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Matthew, thanks for you message; I've passed it on to the developer.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi again @Matthew, thanks again for reporting. The issue was fixed in the latest beta (v5.20beta6)

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natebert avatar image
natebert answered ·

No packages such as RPM for Fedora/RHEL?
Appimage it is...

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

indeed, AppImage only. As usual, just trust us that there is a good reason in doing so ;o) - I do the same!

Have a good Sunday, Matthijs

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lg-0 avatar image
lg-0 answered ·

I want to add one point of clarification that may help users running "Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon" (Cinnamon 4.4.8 / kernel 5.3.0-28-generic).

I added the "dialup" group, as recommended, but it didn't work for me - I couldn't see my MPPT controllers (even though I could see my CCGX & BVM-712). Instead I used the, already existing, "dialout" and everything started to work just fine. Keep in mind that you'll have to logout and log back in for the change to take effect.

Thanks Victron for showing some Linux love - Keep it comin'! ;-)

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I have tried this on 20.04 LTS. No problems as far as I can tell.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks! .

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lucode avatar image lucode commented ·

Works like a charm on Kubuntu 20.4 as well.
Note (MK3): the command for adding a user to dialup group is (dialup doesn't exists!):

sudo adduser $USER dialout

You need to logout and login to make it work after adding you to the group!

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tylershepard avatar image tylershepard commented ·

I am running 20.04 LTS using Ubuntu Mate. I can see the device and allows me to enter the PIN but it all will do is load and say connecting then go to loading but never does then back to connecting. Is there anything else I may need to do?

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David McNeill avatar image
David McNeill answered ·

Thanks @mvader for making the effort with Linux version. Much appreciated.

We are trying this with MPPT 100/20 on Kubuntu 18.04, and not successfully connecting. It does connect to an iPhone.

bluetoothd -v

bluetoothctl can see the device, and it's not paired...

# bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:14:00:C5:8B:79 hostname [default]
[NEW] Device EA:C0:8C:9F:3D:FD SmartSolar HQ193029VTF
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# info EA:C0:8C:9F:3D:FD
Device EA:C0:8C:9F:3D:FD (random)        
Name: SmartSolar HQ193029VTF        
Alias: SmartSolar HQ193029VTF        
Paired: no        
Trusted: yes        
Blocked: no        
Connected: no        
LegacyPairing: no        
ManufacturerData Key: 0x02e1        
ManufacturerData Value:  10 02 5f a0                                      .._.  

VictronConnect gui app can see the device, but double clicking on it times out after 20 seconds.

bluetoothctl shows...

Discovering: yes
Discovering: no
Discovering: yes
Discovering: no
RSSI -81dBm

But never shows a pin code prompt.

Wireshark on interface bluetooth0 shows

GATT Primary Service Declaration exchange for profile and handles, but nothing else. We're not sure tcpdump or wireshark are capturing all the packets on bluetooth0, even though promiscuous mode is selected.

Not sure how we can debug this further. Any pointers appreciated.

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bradfordharley avatar image
bradfordharley answered ·

Very cool. I just installed it and got it running in a virtualbox ubuntu VM with a windows host. Good alternative to windows bluetooth. Not too many hoops either.

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Brendan Butler avatar image
Brendan Butler answered ·

Appears to work perfectly on Fedora 32.

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cricri avatar image
cricri answered ·

Hi, thanks for your hard work, we can't dl anything, Dropbox says "

"Error (404)

We can't find the page you're looking for. "

Is there any chance to have this appimage somewhere ?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Cricri, that was an old link, thank you for reporting. Fixed!

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cricri avatar image cricri mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you @mvader for your quick answer, my apologizes for not seeing downloads page before, all research hit this post. I will have a try with this now.

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paddy-bloomer avatar image
paddy-bloomer answered ·

not working for me on mint 17.3 cinnamon 32 bit computer says invalid encoding

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strohmimarkus avatar image strohmimarkus commented ·
Same for me on Xubuntu 18.04. I learned that most AppImage files (up to 99%) are compiled for 64bit platforms. The question now would be, whether Victron specifially has it compiled for 32 AND 64 bit.
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josick-dufresne avatar image
josick-dufresne answered ·

Victron connect works well on manjaro ( arch ) linux with blue solar and smartsolar.
The local color control doesn't appear every time.
Thanks a lot for the work

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ttt avatar image
ttt answered ·

Thank you for your instructions! I succeeded today to connect to my MPPT's:

(ubuntu 21.04/64-Bit/ gnome:3.38.5); I am very happy about the linux-version of the the VictronConnect app because I do not have a Windows-PC since some years anymore

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muelli avatar image
muelli answered ·

Not working under Linux Mint 20.1. Tried it on 2 systems:

System 1) Appimage starts, GUI shows up but instantly freezes. Has to be killed -9

System 2) Appimage starts, Gui shows up and hints can be clicked away. Victron device does show up but as soon as it is selected, core dumps.

Booted to Ubuntu 18.04.5, there everything works. Seems like this is built for older Kernels/Systems only.

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muddy1 avatar image muddy1 commented ·
It works on my Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7.

From memory when I installed it you needed to have the VE connection plugged in for it to work.

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Jan avatar image Jan commented ·
Same problem here on ArchLinux with v5.59 :/
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Brandon avatar image
Brandon answered ·

Hey guys,

I have downloaded the .AppImage file and attempted to set the execute bit but I am getting and error "chmod: cannot access 'VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.47.AppImage': No such file or directory".

I have attempted this using sudo aswel. I have also tried adding the file directory before the file name (not in screenshot). Anyone know what this could be?

Cheers!Screenshot from 2021-09-18 14-28-59.png

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

I have also tried adding the file directory before the file name (not in screenshot).

Try changing the working directory (from home directory to the one where the AppImage is) in the Linux terminal instead.

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Brandon avatar image Brandon seb71 commented ·
@Seb71 How do I do this?
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seb71 avatar image seb71 Brandon commented ·
Using the cd (change directory) command in the terminal.
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Brandon avatar image Brandon seb71 commented ·
Thanks @Seb71. I just found I could right click on the folder and click "Open in terminal". Then I was able to execute the chmod command.
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matt-ploszanski avatar image
matt-ploszanski answered ·

I am using an old ThinkPad with the Latest Mint and sadly the laptop doesn't see the solar controller (iPad and Android work perfectly). I have the app installed but can't login either - jumps to the website to authenticate me..but the app never does.

Any help would be appreciated.

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grant avatar image
grant answered ·

I have Victron Connect running on Ubuntu 18 at a couple of remote sites. One tries to talk via bluetooth to a smart battery protect (still troubleshooting this one as it is so remote) and another to a smart shunt via VE Direct to USB cable (absolutely seamless thank you!).

It would be great if there was something in the software to download some history, the graph from the smart shunt can only provide a couple of hours

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vinicio avatar image
vinicio answered ·

Hi, there is a version to install on a Raspberry pi4 with S.O. Rasbian OS? thank you

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m93a avatar image
m93a answered ·

I tried to use the on Arch (Endeavour OS) but it showed me "No devices found". To get it working, I had to add the current user to the uucp group using the following command:

sudo usermod -a -G uucp $USER

And then restart my computer.

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cpn-neemo avatar image cpn-neemo commented ·
Thank you for this. Spent ages adding and joining groups. I wonder if this works on vanilla Arch also
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chainmaster avatar image
chainmaster answered ·

Hi thank you for Linux support! Can i use the victronconnect Linux appto configure a Multiplus esp. AC-input relay?

Im working on Linux and dont have any Windows devices

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kivanov avatar image
kivanov answered ·

I downloaded and ran the VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage, it created the launch file. However nothing happens once I try to run the program either from the menu/launcher, nor from the terminal. No errors displayed, simply nothing.

Only the bellow output only if I prepend the command with sh -e

$ ./VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage
$ sh -e VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage
VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: 1: VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: �: not found
VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: 2: VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: }�P7pys�H��_f��h: not found
VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: 1: VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: �b�@@: not found
VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: 1: VictronConnect-x86_64-v5.61.AppImage: ELFAI: not found

Any ideas?

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ntdave avatar image
ntdave answered ·

Launches ok on Ubuntu 22.04. I want to access a remote device, so try to sign in. The app takes me to the appropriate page, I click authorise and the browser tells me that there is no app that can handle the returned string/file and nothing further happens: I am still not signed in.

I have tried to set the VictronConnect app as the appropriate helper app within the browser (Firefox), but no change, I have also tried "RunApp" as the helper - still no change. I have tried using Chrome and Edge too, but with similar results.

Any suggestions?

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ntdave avatar image ntdave commented ·
UPDATE: 4 days later, with nothing that I am aware of having changed, Edge will now authenticate perfectly well.

I am using a VPN and was on a different server. Did that make a difference? There has been a minor OS update. Was it that?

Anyway, now working fine.

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bohnsorg avatar image
bohnsorg answered ·

Thanks for the investment to offer a Linux variant. Pro tip if you experience issues like AppImage does not start: in a terminal type cat /tmp/VictronConnect.log – quite handy Victron.Connect app writes this file.

Which brings me to my question:

WARN  2022-12-07T20:12:01.572 qrc:/qml/main.qml:150 Type DeviceList unavailable
qrc:/qml/DeviceList.qml:229 Type DevicesListView unavailable
qrc:/qml/DevicesListView.qml:23 Type DeviceDelegate unavailable
qrc:/qml/DeviceDelegate.qml:296 Type DialogPINCodeReset unavailable
qrc:/qml/DialogPINCodeReset.qml:182 Type DialogPINCodeChanged unavailable
qrc:/qml/DialogPINCodeChanged.qml:89 Type PopupVideo unavailable
qrc:/qml/PopupVideo.qml:2 plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtMultimedia": Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_VictrotOTRRJ/qml/QtMultimedia/ ( Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)

Why is that necessary? I don't want to play videos and the target system does not offer pulseaudio. Is it possible to add an option to disable this?

It'd be absolutely sufficient for my requirements to have a pure CLI variant to export the current data. I only use the USB dongle. Thus --list-devices printing out some IDs/ names and --export <device-id> would be absolutely sufficient.

Found it myself (via At least (written in C) as well as (Bash) work.

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gkathan avatar image
gkathan answered ·


trying the appimage on ubuntu 23.03 ... installation went smooth and it sees my IP65 charger in device list => when trying to connect the connection process shows three times from 1% to 80% terminating in a message dialog saying that it is unable to connect ... with some hints like moving closer to product or remove existing bluetooth pairing from smartphone

i already tried that and also did a reset on PIN code with no success....

looks like i am pretty close ... any hints ?

cheerz from vienna

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gkathan avatar image
gkathan answered ·
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matias-b avatar image
matias-b answered ·


I just downloaded the appimage v5.95 and I am using Pop OS 22.04 LTS on a thinkpad T14

The appimage starts fine but I can not see any devices. Is there anything else I need to do? it works on windows and I believe I also had it working on Manjaro Linux a while ago. I have a vague memory I had to do some extra step for it to work but I can not remember what.

I also added the user to bluetooth and dialout groups, no change

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martin-kunz avatar image
martin-kunz answered ·

Ich habe Ubuntu installiert, das Appimage startet nicht - keine Version - auch die Beta nicht. ZB Balena etcher schon . Demnach kann es keine fuse sein. Bitte prüfen Sie das Bild auf Funktionalität.

Version 22.04 Ubuntu alle updates durchgeführt

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Related Resources

VictronConnect Manual

Download for iOS / Android / Mac / Windows

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic