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jmac asked

ConFUSEion: Pre-Charge Fuse in MG Master LV MGMLV482600 Keeps Blowing.

-CCGX display indicated "MG BMS 24-48V/600A Alarm #25 Pre-Charge error.

-Looking at the MG Master LV MGMLV482600 the status indicator was flashing 6 times indicating "Pre-charge fuse broken (check the pre-charge fuse)." per "Master-LV-manual-EN-" section 12.2 Status indicator (page 48.)

-Having replaced the pre-charge fuse with the specified Bel Fuse 5HT 10-R per "Master-LV-manual-EN-" section 6.4.2. all subsequent fuses also blow.

-What additional troubleshooting steps can I take? This has happened to several new units.

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Hi @Jmac,

Have you tried reaching out to MG or your MG dealer?

It's fine to leave this here in case anyone knows more, but I think they would have more information about their product.

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

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