
sencha66 avatar image
sencha66 asked

System data error after upgrade - EVCS

Hello, after upgrading firmware (from 1.23 to 1.29) the only message on the display is "System data ERROR!".

The upgrade process went fine, success was even confirmed on my phone, however since then the only thing I can see on the display of my EV charger is the above error message.

I read through all the threads regarding the problem in this community network, however didn't find any help.

Does anybody have a hint?


firmware updateev charging stationevcs
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1 Answer
kovacdamjan avatar image
kovacdamjan answered ·

I had the same problem.

I solved it myself by pressing the button "DEF. SW3" inside the EV charger for 15s. (The LED lights flash, so you know when it's long enough) Then everything was reset to defaults and started working. (You need to wait a few minutes). Now everything works OKev.png

ev.png (796.2 KiB)
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But you need to be careful, the buttons are surrounded by components running at 230/400V AC!

Everything highlighted in red is dangerous.


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