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foxos asked

Charging Station NS - no local Network connection after upgrade v1.28

First of all, is this the right place for bug reports?

I just upgraded from the v1.27 to v1.28 via VRM portal. After that the network connection was broke. No connection. Via bluetooth i tryed multible times to reconfigure the connection, did restarts and so on, with no results. Only error message was like no connection to cerbo gx. My unifi system did not see anything from the device since upgrade. Thankfully it was possible to configure the AP Mode via bluetooth. So I managed to downgrade manually to v1.27 via that AP connection. After that and without further configuration the local network worked like before.

firmware updateev charging station
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Hi, can you tell me few words about both wifi ssid and password configuration? There are some security patches added to the 1.28 firmware.

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