
ralphd avatar image
ralphd asked

Multiplus II high ripple on the charging voltage - worst case is absorption

I have been battling a high voltage ripple on the DC charge voltage from my multiplus II when charging three 280Ah LiTime LiFePo4 batteries configured in parallel. The worst case ripple occurs in the absorption phase and can be up to +/- 0.5V. This ripple on top of the absorption voltage can be enough to trigger the BMS to stop accepting charge. Plus that much ripple is concerning.

First I will go over the steps that I have taken to find out what it is NOT -

1) My first thought was that the cells in one (or more) of the batteries may be out of balance and the BMS may be triggering a stop charge due to an over-voltage on a cell. This does not appear to be the case. I disconnected all of the batteries and hooked a power supply the batteries one at a time. I then slowly raised the voltage while monitoring the current. I brought each battery up to 14.6V, left it for an hour and watched the current slowly drop to < 3mA.

2) I reconnected the batteries with the Multiplus II off - the voltage was stable.

3) There are three MPPTs in the system and I turned them on. The voltage was stable with a 13.8V float charge.

4) Using the MPPTs, I initiated a equalization at 14.1V - The voltage was still stable.

5) I disabled the MPPTs and set the Multiplus II absorption to 14.1V (low enough so the ripple would not trigger an over voltage in the BMS) - When the the Multiplus II was turned on, it entered Bulk quickly followed by Absorbtion there was a lot of noise on the DC output. Viewing on an O-Scope there is a high frequency component ~125 MHz which is <100 mV p-p, and a much lower frequency component which causes most of the ripple (+/- 500mV)

6) When the Multiplus II entered the float stage the voltage was stable at 13.8V. (<100mV p-p)

As a note there are two 1/0 cables in parallel between the multiplus II and the bus bar for the batteries for both positive and negative.

Also, a Smart Shunt is used as the battery monitor.

Based on the above it does not seem to be related to the BMS or the voltages since the MPPTs do not have an issue with ripple. It only seems to happen in Bulk and Absorption with the higher ripple in Absorption.

Any thoughts of what could cause this and how to mitigate it would be appreciated.

Multiplus-IILithium Batterychargervoltageripple
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6 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @RalphD

Have you read the chapter on DC Ripple in wiring unlimited?

That goes into the causes and then how to eliminate them.

It’s normal that you won’t ever see it on any DC supplies or loads like our DC MPPT. It’s a specific characteristic of an AC inverter or AC charger.

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ralphd avatar image
ralphd answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Yes, I have read it and all wire AWG and lengths meet or exceed the recommendations in the article. It is also strange that this occurs in Absorption when the DC current is very low. As a note, there were no AC loads on the Multiplus II during my test.

i just came across this article and was wondering if it may apply to my situation. Link below. What are your thoughts?

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Some batteries when they are near full pwm the charge source a bit and it shows up as DC ripple.

If it is in absorption only lower the voltage a bit. It might be struggling to balance.

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ralphd avatar image
ralphd answered ·

Hi @Alexandra , My initial thought that the BMS was disconnecting and reconnecting causing an oscillation, or ripple on the DC line. That is why I ran the test with a power supply on each battery to ensure that the batteries were balanced and the BMS was not shutting down the charge. Now, when the MPPTs are charging the batteries the DC voltage is stable (<50mV P-P ripple). When charging from the Multiplus II is when I see the high ripple using the exact same voltages as the MPPTs. I have lowered the absorption voltage to 14.1V so that the ripple riding on the 14.1V will not exceed the 15V BMS over-voltage limit. I agree with @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) that the Inverter/Charger has different characteristics regarding the generation of noise and ripple - especially when under load, however, there was no load when I took the readings. I did come across the redflow article (link above). Not sure if this may apply to the ripple that I am seeing since the impedance of these LiFePo4 batteries is different than the AGM batteries that were initially in the system, but it can't hurt to check it out so I just ordered a 47,000uF, 100V, low ESR electrolytic cap to try. Your thoughts?? Stay tuned for the results....

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It sounds like an interesting experiment.

How does the charge current between battery charger and inverter set up compare? Maybe the rate it higher and that nay be part of the issue?

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ralphd avatar image
ralphd answered ·

Update: I added a 47,000uF, 100V low ESR capacitor across the DC connections on the Multiplus II. I mounted the capacitor in a plastic electrical box and connected it to the Multiplus II terminals using 6 AWG wire to keep the series inductance low. The wires are less than 16" long.

This eliminated the high frequency ripple and reduce the low frequency ripple (~90Hz-100Hz) of +/- 0.5V (1V p-p) that was riding on top of the DC voltage. (reference #5 on my post dated Jul 09 2024 at 6:34 PM).

The ripple is down to (<200mV p-p) during bulk, (~300 mV p-p) during absorption and (~100 mV) during float.

If there is an AC load on the Multiplus II the ripple reduces further. I have absorption set to 14.2V and float at 13.8V - there have been no high voltage warnings / alarms or BMS shutdowns since I made the change 2 weeks ago.

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

@RalphD , an interesting problem and one I am familiar with, although I must admit I liked your diagnosis better as you identified high frequency components on the supply cables which I did not do.

Please read this thread that provides my thoughts on the matter, from some time ago.

I hope it may help a bit,


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