
pauldunn avatar image
pauldunn asked

Multiplus 2 / Pylontech High DC Current Alarm

I've search the forum but not been able to find anyone with a similar issue/solution.

At least times this year, a few minutes into my scheduled battery charging, I get high DC current alarm simultaneously with low battery alarm:


The whole of the previous year since from when the system was installed this has not happened.

The low battery alarm is very odd since every time this has happened the batteries had at least 50% charge and I have no idea why the high DC current alarm is happening. Can anyone shed any light on this?

When these alarms hit the inverters cut all power to AC OUT 1 which takes down the house. I would have thought it would just pass through the grid in this situation, maybe there is some configuration needed?

This has happened both before and after having PV installed.

My system:

  • 2 x Multiplus 2 5kVA in parallel
  • 6 x Pylontech US5000
  • Grid tied
  • All house loads connected to AC OUT 1
  • Recently installed small 1.3kW pv array to MPPT 150/35

Thanks for any and all help.

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4 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

This is most likely caused by a cell imbalance in the Pylontech battery,

The procedure for how to manage this is described here (it says high voltage, but it is very similar)

If you’re unable to resolve it with those directions, come back and we can investigate further.

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pauldunn avatar image
pauldunn answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) thanks for the fast reply. I've just checked VRM and at the precise time this happened both the min and max cell voltages were identical:


Do you still think I should follow the Victron guide to balance the cells or is this issue likely to be something else?

Is there a way to make the multiplus pass power through from the grid when these alarms happen rather than take the house out?


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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·

Take note also one of battery modules could have a failing cell, check for slight swelling of the battery case at the screw points at the back of the pack, as i have had few do this to my clients, depending on how old they are etc.

To see what pack number that is causing this look at the menu at the pylonyon tech settings under details and you will see lowest and hightest voltage readings, eg 0106

06 is the pack number from the master down so number 6 pack has the issues etc.

Rob D


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @pauldunn,

I had a closer look at the alarm and it appears to co-incide with the EV charging station starting.

A 7000 W load starts, and then whatever the underlying problem is revealed.

It doesn't appear to happen every time, so requires some combination of factors, most likley co-inciding with a low battery state of charge, and no voltage support from PV.

There is another element, there appears to be up to a 0.3V difference in the battery voltage between the two parallel MultiPlus-IIs. It really important for equal power distribution of large loads through these two units that they are very well balanced, otherwise one will be working harder than the other. And then again combined with the lower voltage situation, and large load spike, we see the alarm.


As there are several factors, there are several possible solutions.

  1. Only run the EV charger when the batteries are quite full (say above 80% SOC), or the sun in shining on the solar panels
  2. Check the battery conditions to make sure they appear ok visually, although I would say this is less likely the main cause now, it should still be inspected.
  3. Reduce the charging power of the EV charger until it stops being such a large load, I would expect if it was under the capacity of a single unit (5000W) then there would be no alarm as well
  4. Check all cable connections to the Multis, specifically the DC. If the cables are equally sized, and equally distant from the DC bus, then check to make sure connections are tight and fuses are intact, because there is a variation somewhere there.

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pauldunn avatar image
pauldunn answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

The EV charger is upstream of the inverters and I don't use a CT clamp, the only loads the inverter knows about is out of AC OUT 1, so I assume we can rule that out of being part of the cause?

All cable lengths are equal both to the inverter and to the consumer unit on AC OUT 1 but I will double check the connections. Is there anything else that could cause the imbalance? The inverters were bought at different times not sure that could be an issue?

Four of the batteries are 1.5 years old and the other two are 1 years old and I cannot see anything visually wrong with them though it is hard to see without complete disconnecting and moving them. Is it worth doing that?


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