
Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II asked

WakeSpeed field 0%

All Victrom System, with Cerbo, Lynx Smart BMS, Victron Smart 330AH batteries, WakeSeed 500, Balmar XT-250 Alt. Cerbo always shows Alt field 0%. What am I doing wrong?

cerbo gxalternatorsetuplynx bmsmarine
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6 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You have the VE Bus BMS selected as the BMS model, you need to scroll down that list and select the "Lynx Smart BMS" option (not the simple version). Then you may get somewhere.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
@Donald W Patterson II have you read the Wakespeed configuration and communication guide, it is on their website if you have not, it is a dry techy read but it is very useful to help understand things, not everything in it needs reading, mainly sending info to the alternator, i.e. setting it up. There is also a Victron connection guide.I

I also notice you do not have a shunt on the alternator so DVCC will not work.

Once it is running from the bms the WS500 should show slave mode.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·
Bunch of info would help diagnosis. What Cerbo firmware version, is it reading other data correctly from the alternator, is the alternator actually charging and just your display is wrong, have you checked that the field wire current is zero with a clamp meter..

Ideas are 1) has your CAN Bus cross over cable been made correct, 2) have you programmed the feature in wire correctly and wired it correctly to the Lynx relays for the ATC control because if not you will have the WS500 being held off. I recall that the feature in has to be reversed. 3) If you have wired the feature in wire through the alarm relay on the Lynx have you set the alarm relay to alternator function by Victron Connect.

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Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II answered ·

Cerbo Firmware V3.33, Cerbo shows Output 13.09V 0.0A 0W, State Float, Network Status Group Master, Error No Error, Field drive 0%. I bypassed the WS and added 12V to the field and it started charging. CAN bus cross over cable purchased.

I have ATC wired as such, But I don't know how to program the BMS/screenshot-2024-06-26-160400.png

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Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II answered ·

Okay got the Lynx programed for ATC, Now I show 12v on the ATC pin but still 0V in the Field Pin

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
OK, progress Lynx ATC is correct, alternator still works so it is either your WS500 settings or the CAN communication, but you say the Cerbo is seeing the WS500 as you have data. Also, if set up properly, the WS500 should go into a limp home mode if CAN communication is lost and provide some charging at 13.2V. Have you used one of the Lynx BMS profiles that Wakespeed have put on their website for the WS500. Copy your WS500 settings here.
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Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II answered ·

My Config screenshot-20240627-075417.pngscreenshot-20240627-075427.pngscreenshot-20240627-075436.pngscreenshot-20240627-075451.png

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Donald W Patterson II avatar image
Donald W Patterson II answered ·

pwfarnel, Thank you. I updated the WS config to show Lynx BMS, Installed and wired a shunt on the Alt side. Field now shows 100% and it does charge when the Main engine is running.

Odd item though, on the Cerbo the WS output says whatever the batteries are recieving, even from the solar system. Is this normal?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

Check the settings in the system page of the WS500 app near the top and unselect battery at shunt and select at alternator. That should then make sure you get just the alternator current. Personally, my WS500 is just running on my lead acids at the moment before I fit lithium so I am not having the Lynx BMS interaction.


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