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rwall1016 asked

Incorrect Load calculations with external grid meter on split-phase service

This is more of a bug-report than a question, as I don't believe there is any sort of configuration setting that can fix this. But if there is, I'd be glad to know about it!

I have a Carlo Gavazzi EM530 energy meter on a split-phase service feeding 2x Quattro 15kva 230v inverters (in parallel) into an auto-transformer to re-create split-phase on the output.

Since the EM530 reports the individual phase values, Venus believe the Quattros are only across L1 and passes thru L2 wattage values even when no non-critical loads are being applied.

Take this screenshot for example:


The real Total consumption is ~7000 watts and not 10,152 watts.

As I typically have large but steady/consistent non-critical loads, it took me a while to understand why they fluctuated so much (dependent on the critical loads)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercerbo gxVenus OS
2 |3000

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