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Manuel Donati asked

Connecting BMS V2 - Venus GX and Multiplus compact 12/1600/70-16

Hi all,

I have an off-grid system and would like to install a LiFePO4 Battery 12.8V/200Ah SMART with BMS V2.

I currently have a MultiPlus Compact 12/1600/70-16 firmware 510 first version, a venus GX firmware v3.32, a BMV-700 firmware v3.11 and 2 X MPPT 100/30 firmware v1.64

On the BMS instructions I read that I have to install a VE.Bus BMS Mains dedector on the multiplus as it is old model.

If instead of connecting the multiplus to the BMS I connect it to the venus should I still connect the VE.Bus BMS Mains dedector?

BMSVenus GX - VGXmultiplus ve.bus
2 |3000

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