
alexm avatar image
alexm asked

Multiplus II with High Voltage Modular Batteries

Please excuse me if this is a stupid question however I'm looking to get as high quality inverter as possible for a home 30kw battery setup and I'm very impressed with what I've learned about Victron in general but especially the multiplus II. There seems to be a trend toward high voltage modular battery systems like Huawei Luna, Pylontech Force H1 and BYD HVS/HVM. There are myriad logical reasons as to why these are increasingly popular however all of them are explicitly unsupported by Victron. Can anyone shed some light on why this is and if it's likely to change? Is it just not possible to have a HV modular system running with Victron systems at all?
Thanks very much

Multiplus-IIPylontechBYDbattery system voltage
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dognose avatar image dognose commented ·

You can wait for the Multi HS19 - it supports Solar upto 1000V, so probably supports HV Batteries as well.


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alexm avatar image alexm dognose commented ·
wait.. 15kw input/output! thats pretty monstrous.. i want one. Wonder if it's gonna be a punchy price or Victron will be smart and do the drug pusher approach, make it cheap, get businesses to convert and buy racks then drive up the price.
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dognose avatar image dognose alexm commented ·

yeah. But it's also 3 phases.

I assume it will be 3x 5kW then.
Basically 3 Multiplus 5000 in one device.

Even tho, it's designed for racks, there shouldn't be any issue mounting it "top down" or "left-to-right" against a wall.

But a Rack is also handy, if you get rack mountable battery modules, you have "one rack" to power your home. Finally a reason to replace the single 32HE-Server cabinet with a double-cabinet (for the "UPS" :P)

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alexm avatar image alexm dognose commented ·

the server room is in the middle of the building but i have an engine room cut into the mountain where the batteries will live. Call me crazy but I just cant bring myself to have batteries near family areas despite the Lithium iron safety record etc etc

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dognose avatar image dognose alexm commented ·
Well, If I had a nuclear fallout shelter cut into the mountain, i'd put my energy supply there, too :P
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alexm avatar image alexm dognose commented ·

Thanks! That looks promising! weird to be rack mounted but not a deal breaker. I guess i can put it in the server room as long as the battery wires can be 10m long? I guess there are no release dates yet?

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2 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Wil it have grid tied approvals?

Rob D


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alexm avatar image
alexm answered ·

@rob Off grid for a while first. It will take some time for the grid to get here. Once it is i'd only like to use the grid as a backup and dont care much for exporting energy but I guess it would be a nice option to have available at some point in the future.

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