
tabet avatar image
tabet asked

multiplus 2

hello guys can u connect smart solar 250/100 with a ve direct cable or with ve bus to my multiplus 2 without buying a cerbo gx?

Multiplus-IIcerbo gxMPPT SmartSolarmultiplus ve.busvebus
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you mean panels to mppt, mppt to battery, then yes.

If you mean connected to the inverter directly for communication, then no. The ve bus is not designed for that. You need a GX.

But it will still work as a stand alone solar charger when there is no communication anywhere.

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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·

and the system work properly without communication between the smart solar and the multiplus ?

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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·
like i mean if the charger is programed to charge the batteries with 50A and the multiplus needs about 50ADC to cover the load then will the charger gives 100A from solar panels or will supply max 50A and any extra power needed will be from the batteries in case of no communication cables between them?
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas tabet commented ·
To accomplish what you are asking you will need a gx device.
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

you've asked the same question yesterday with a multi rs ...

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