
njc avatar image
njc asked

Newbie. On grid. Multiplus and Smart Lithium purchased - what else do I need?

Hi there. New to this. For my garage (being built) I have picked up a Multiplus 24v 5000, and a 25.6v 200Ah Smart LiFePo4 battery. I would like to 'plug in' to 240v to charge the battery and use it to run 240v plug sockets for the moment. What else do I need to do this? I have read around but am still confused by all the bits out there (Lynx Smart BMS, color control gx, Lynx Distributor etc etc). Could you please suggest a setup to clarify for me if possible - thank you......Ultimately I will add panels to the roof (have picked up some 24v panels) and I have also picket up a MPPT solar charge controllers (EPEVER 24v, 60A, 1500W(24v), and a SOLIS mini 1500). Maybe just ignore the solar set up bit for now, as for the moment I would like to just get the Multiplus and battery hooked up to 240V so I can maintain its charge. Many many thanks for any advice.

Multiplus-IILithium Batterygrid
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Best thing you can do is consult a professional or your supplier for help.

As per our guidelines we don't encourage broad design topics, such as this, on the community.

There is free training at that will answer most of your questions from there it is much easier to guide specific questions.

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