
silvester avatar image
silvester asked

What could cause issues with grid acceptance?

I have multiPlus-|| with the new option VD arn 4105.. this allow me to qualify on my country to feedback.

but after a month i noticed that hes not connecting to the grid...

after a lot of testing:

update firmware,

rebooting the color control

changing from ess to self consumption..

measure the ac input voltage and frequency

nothing change..

after changing the grid parameter from internal to external protection. bum.. its connect as he used to be...

the voltage and frequency are between the limits but still he doesnt connect...

230v ph to nuetral and 50.2 hz

any idea what can be the problem??

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hi Silvester. are you using multi assistants if so try reordering them

I had a problem when my ESS was last I moved ot down to the start and then my general flaged worked, you may not be using the gen flag but give it a try anyway.

also make sure you are on 459 firmware

see if this is of help

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