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offgridvoltage asked

BSL LiFePo4 48v Battery BMS Settings dilemma . . . ;)

Hi guru's....

Have a question regarding BSL factory preset BMS settings......

(Yes I've read both Victron Manuals regarding the configuration of these BSL battery's and found them to contain numerous direct contradictions in charge voltages, CCL and other parameters) So I went with 55.00v as the most frequent manafacturer recommended charge voltage

Please see attached screenshots and let me know if it's not just me, but you also feel these settings look dodgy, and why ?

My quetions are :

1. Shouldn't a voltage warning always PRECEED a voltage protection ?

2. Why is the BMS voltage "Pack Full Charge Voltage" always offset +0.5v when it appears in the CerboGX and Multiplus etc ?

3. Let me know your recommended charge / protect / temperature settings for these battery's ?

4. Has anyone else had real difficulty trying to get these battery's to initially top balance before use, and what parameters did they use ?

Victron Setup >>

I have two(2) of these batteries (B-LFP48-100E 48v / 5.12 kWh Batteries - via CAN-Bus) in parallel feeding a Multiplus II 48v 8K/110 230v (via VE.Bus) - DC-Coupled 14x Kookuburra 415w Panels (5.81 kW – 7S2P) with MPPT RS 450/100 Tr (via VE.Direct) using a Cerbo GX.



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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

A couple of things.

I don't recall BSL supporting mixed battery sizes in parallel. Has this changed and what does their support say?

You shouldn't be adjusting the BMS, that is not (was not, anyway) permitted for users/installers.

The 55V and 54.8V for float should work and it will generate voltage warnings, most new fixed voltage packs will, which is why they should be left on charge for a while.

I see they have added mucking with DVCC to some guides, this isn't meant as a permanent solution, especially not lowering the charge voltage - it is meant to help with balancing issues.

Historically, BSL is very slow to balance, but you have mixed models, and that won't help.

Their Pace BMS wasn't bright on a good day normally.

And good luck with their support, it used to aspire to be terrible.

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offgridvoltage avatar image
offgridvoltage answered ·

Thanks @nickdb ... Both battery's are the same model / capacity (did I make a typo?)

I've appeared to have found their sweet spot at 55v, even though the documentation of the BSL 100Ah rack models (LFP48-100E) list the charge voltage from 55v to 56.3v to 56.8v depending on which .PDF you read. I'm still bewildered by the +0.5v BMS offset however.

I've heard they arrive from the factory way out of balance, outside normal expectations, but one would expect at least the BMS to have some basic parameters correct, even if just to avoid them being annoyed by unnecessary customer enquiries.

I've also heard their passive balancing is very lazy and not working properly 'out of the box', so was hoping someone may have found a better (and quicker) way to top balance them.... Although I seem to have done it eventually. Just the pack voltage deviation that is upsetting my charge curve and sending the higher of the two battery’s into cell delta hell at some point.

Unfortunately there is no bulk/abs/float in setups with ESS configuration, which is how my Multiplus (in parallel with grid) is setup to interact with the grid / house loads.

What did you think of the parameter changes in the BMS ? Would you find it strange having the protection kick in at such a high cell voltage ? And BEFORE the alarm ?

Cheers :)

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
My bad, pre-coffee.

You should get hold of the supplier and have them check the config. You should not have to change anything, it will trash any warranty you have.

I don't have any I can check any longer.

Protect kicking in at 3.75V is about right, BSL usually run cells lower but around 3.8V is a good place to pull the handbrake.

As it's a generic BMS, it may have quirks that don't seem obvious, but unless it is a DIY battery, never mess with the BMS, it can only end up expensive.

If you are in SA, get hold of get off grid who import them, if not, contacting BSL directly will have them tell you who to call.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

Did you get feedback regarding the strange alarm settings? This makes me not to trust any setting.


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Fideri avatar image Fideri Fideri commented ·
Sorry. I meant @OffGridVoltage
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offgridvoltage avatar image offgridvoltage Fideri commented ·

Hi Fideri, I never ended up getting a response from BSL. I just replaced all the BSL battery's with the new GOBEL 280Ah units and they work absolutely fantastic !! I'm now about to re-purpose the BSL's and will again attempt to contact them for support / replacement or repair.....

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Related Resources

Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page

Victron & BSLBATT Lithium batteries

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