
elvistherv avatar image
elvistherv asked

Adding additional charging capability to a Quattro with Skylla IP65 and/or Phoneix Smart IP43

2 questions:

1. Will a Skylla or Phoenix connected in parallel with a Quattro all connected to GX device honour total AC input current limit set?

2. Will the same setup honour the total battery charge current set on a GX device by a CAN connected BMS (Batrium in this case)?

I did post this on the Victron FB group with a lot more background but it just disappeared down a rabbit hole about the background rather than anyone being able to answer the actual questions.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerBMSCCGX Color ControlSkyllaPhoenix Smart Charger ip43
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1 Answer
Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

I have experience with a Phoenix and a Quattro on the same Lead Acid battery.

The answer is that they become 2 independent AC systems honouring their own operating systems.

This could mean using their own BMVs, Venus OSs etc. A BMV reports the full contributions/draws of both systems, but it only reports back to a single system. I used to have 2 BMVs, but now I only have one on the Quattro system.

I use this to my advantage as I have an AC-coupled PV inverter on my Phoenix. This Phoenix charges the battery to an ever so slightly higher voltage than the Quattro system's maximum charge setting.

I could have used the same charge settings, but I do this deliberately.

Because it causes the Quattro to constantly export the excess power made by the PV inverter that is downstream of the Phoenix.

( Bear in mind that the Phoenix is bi-directional but it has no AC input, so in a normal set up it could never export excess power to the grid).

In other words, the Phoenix is constantly trying to raise the battery voltage and the Quattro won't let it by exporting excess power. If both systems, were interdependent I could not achieve this and the Phoenix would shut the PV inverter down when the battery was full.

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Related Resources

MultiPlus Product page Quattro Product page 

MultiPlus 230V ManualQuattro 230V Manual

MultiPlus 230V Datasheet Quattro 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codesVE.Bus configuration guide

CCGX Product Manual

CCGX Product page

Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page

Skylla-IP65 product page (12v, 24v)

Skylla-i product page (24v)

Skylla-TG Charger product page (24v, 48v)

Skylla-TG GMDSS product page (24v)

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