
awalkerinuk avatar image
awalkerinuk asked

Multiplus II Settings for Pylontech US3000C 48V

Hi All

Thanks for the great info on the forum, it has helped greatly to setup the system as a DIY install in the UK.

I am having a problem with the setup in VE Configure, just getting confused as the Victron Pylontech doc talks about the US2000C.

On VE Configure > General I have battery capacity as 74Ah and currently do have 25Ah on the charge current. Is this correct? or should I be changing charge current to 35Ah (as I notice 37Ah is not possible)?

To start off I limited the inverter to 1000W this caused a low battery error. I have since lowered it to 500W limit and it worked fine. I do only need a low background output not the full output of the inverter.

I currently only have one US3000C and that was not easy to get hold of in the UK.

Any help would greatly appreciated.



Multiplus-IIPylontechVEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

37A would be the limit for a single US3000C module. 35A is within that limit, so it's fine.
I know the pain you feel trying to get hold of these modules.

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ralf-ct avatar image
ralf-ct answered ·

Adam, I have a US3000C connected to a 48V 3000 MPII via a CAN cable and Cerbo GX. The battery BMS then calls the shots and loads the correct charging profile. The charging current seems to be capped at 10A.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
That is also too small for that inverter.

MPPT's and the multis must still have manual settings applied as per the config docs, it can't just be left to the BMS.

The BMS will adjust the charge current based on SOC and cell balancing, this can be viewed via the BMS charts in VRM. It should usually be well above 10A.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

did you follow this manual for the pylontech battery settings/connections? if you did you dont have to set anything else as @ralf-ct mentioned

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ralf-ct avatar image ralf-ct commented ·

The first two weeks, while waiting for the correct CAN cable between Pylontech and Cerbo GX, the system ran on default settings, it used to 'bulk', 'absorb' and 'float' - with the battery voltage peaking at ±50.98V. When the correct cable arrived I followed the advice as per the article above, i.e. "When the Pylontech battery is connected to the BMS-Can port of a GX device (running v2.80 and later) the following DVCC settings will be set and enforced automatically." Our firmware is currently on v3.00. Since running with the cable the battery voltage is now ±52.5V and the system no longer 'floats', which I believe is normal.

Our load during loadshedding is ±500W, using 10-12% battery capacity per hour, having gone down to ±55% after a 4-hour stint. Recharging - even at 10A - is relatively quick, after 2 hours, or so, we're back at 100%. It would make no sense spending >R20k on another battery. The only concern I have is the system 'adding' inverter power while on AC when boiling a kettle (2,400W) while the heater (1,000W) and other draws (±350W) are on. There are no alarms or error logs on the MPII or Pylontech, so I assume all is okay.

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