
jjs029 avatar image
jjs029 asked

No temperature displayed in VRM Dashboard

I used to be able to see the battery temperature on the main Dashboard. I recently made a few changes to my setup and now the temperature has disappeared. The changes made were:

1) Removed BMV-702 and installed SmartShunt

2) Installed a BMS and connected to the VenusGX via CanBus

3) Updated MultiPlus firmware to latest and enabled ESS

The MultiPlus, SmartShunt, and BMS each have a sensor and are reporting temperature. I can see it in the Remote Console and on VRM if I configure an Advanced Widget, but I can't seem to make it show on the Dashboard. Appreciate any advice, thank you!



VRMtemperaturedashboard display
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same question here; is this fixed ???

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ hereandthere commented ·

A long, long time ago.

Missing temps is usually down to the monitor not being configured as the source in the GX, or the "show details" not being pressed.

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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

There have been a lot of enhancements to the dashboard recently. The changes, which seem to coincide, may have removed it.

I'l l report it as a bug for you.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @jjs029 ,

After @kevgermany reported it, we checked, and indeed its a bug. Its being fixed soon, a few weeks max.

The issue that temperature will be missing on the battery box in the overview happens when there are multiple “ battery monitors”, in your case the BMV or SmartShunt and a BMS.

Thank you for reporting it!


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bvg avatar image bvg commented ·


this is already fixed?

Regards from Portugal.

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petajoule avatar image petajoule commented ·
Is this fixed? I have an installation where temperature is shown on the dashboard (actually two temperatures - battery and room) and one installation that will not show it in the dashboard no matter what.

I tried "show details", disabling/enabling it in advanced view. All to no avail.

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heartmindresearch avatar image
heartmindresearch answered ·

For some, it may be as simple as clicking "show details" in the dashboard view.

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palle avatar image
palle answered ·

Hi. Is this fixed? I can't the temperature from my MultiPlus in the batterybox. I have MultiPlus, bmv-712 and ve.bus bluetooth dongle. Temperature sensor in both MultiPlus and ve.bus dongle and don't get any temperature in the baterybox. Latest firmware.

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