
aydin-1 avatar image
aydin-1 asked

RS 48/6000 battery SOC discrepancy between CCGX & Inverter

System is including:

  1. RS 48/6000
  2. CCGX
  3. BYD LVS

RS 48/6000 is connected to the CCGX via VE.Direct

Problem: CCGX shows 49% SOC but Inverter shows 98%

Dose anybody know how I should fix this problem?



CCGX Color ControlSOCVE.Directinverter rs
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, the SOC shown on your CCGX in the battery icon comes from the battery itself (via the canbus communication).

Thats the one to rely on.

The SOC in the Inverter RS is calculated by the inverter itself.

That they’re different is not really a problem: the Inverter RS does not use that SOC. Its only shown on the display.

but it is a bit confusing in your type of system, since it now has two SOC values, I’ll see if we can fix that in a future software version.

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abay avatar image abay commented ·
Hi @mvader (Victron Energy) I am looking at installing a similar system for a customer. Has this issue been addressed yet or do you know when it will be?
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ abay commented ·

This works well now, SOC displayed on the MultiRS always tracks the system SOC value which is gatherd from the Pylontech battery.


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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

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CCGX Product Manual

CCGX Product page

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

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