
leroy-kehl avatar image
leroy-kehl asked

Problems connecting to multiplus with mk-3

Although I have in the past been able to connect just fine, after a remote panel firmware upgrade I am now unable to get past the loading data in victron connect or any other app. Seems the mk-3 is connected but cannot find the multiplus. I have tried Uninstaling the apps and drivers, and have used a second pc and dongle.

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1 Answer
falkol avatar image
falkol answered ·

I had an issue and couldn't connect via MK3 after VictronConnect App installed on Windows 10. The reason was in my case the USB drivers were not installed correctly. I saw in the Windows device manager that 2 USB connectors were listed as unknown devices. After the driver was manually updated via the device manager, the connection via VictronConnect worked fine and the Multi was listed as device. Perhaps it will also help with your problem.

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