
banana avatar image
banana asked

Multiple Lynx Smart BMS connected to single Cerbo GX - how to determine which is used for DVCC

Can more than one Lynx BMS be connected to the same Cerbo GX? I understand only one would be used for the system view pages, but does it support multiple listed in the device list as it does BMVs or Smart Shunts?

cerbo gxBMSDVCClynx bms
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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, yes it does

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banana avatar image banana commented ·
How does it determine which one is the "main" one, used for DVCC and displayed on the overview pages?
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ banana commented ·

Hi @banana,

You can select this manually or let the system select it automatically (default).

To do this, go to the DVCC menu and scroll down to the bottom of the menu where it says "Controlling BMS". At this menu item, press the spacebar to select the BMS to use for DVCC.


Note that this is a new feature that will only be released with version 3.00 and is not yet included in the last release version 2.94.

You can also find more information on beta testing in the beta test thread.

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morganb avatar image
morganb answered ·

Hi Guys

im interested in this further as my client wants some more redundancy in a 2000AH system we are installing.

can we use 2 x lynx BMS to a Common Busbar and a single Cerbo with DC loads, Wake speed Regulators, and 2 x Quattro's

i dont think this can be done from what i can tell unless we Soley rely on the Contactor on each bank rather than DVCC and ATC and ATD


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