
remcom avatar image
remcom asked

Updating Multiplus 2 gx firmware with VRM

I want to update the firmware of the multiplus 2. I have a multiplus 2 gx and I want to do the update with VRM. I get the message that you must make sure that the GX stays powered during the process.

Does the GX stays powered during this process? Because the GX is internally I can imagen that when the multi is getting updated the GX is also powercycled.

Multiplus-IIVRMvrm firmware update
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The GX should be powered by the battery not the inverter, so you should be fine. It is better to cutover to mains so wifi isn’t lost, but this scenario is documented in the vebus update process. I suggest you fully understand the process and faq’s.

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