
solarsam avatar image
solarsam asked

ESS and unmetered PV

Hi all.

Have some clients that have inherited a house with a system we installed many years ago and have since made some alterations, in turn causing a few dramas along the way.

Main switchboard is located at shed some 40m away, shed was originally not used for anything and so our grid consumption meter was installed in the subboard at the house to make cable runs more manageable. New customers have removed the grid connected SMA system that was monitored by the CCGX and replaced with a 6.6kW SolarEdge system now located on the shed. Shed has since been turned into living quarters.

Obviously, there is now some considerable PV generation as well as increased load happening at the shed that the CCGX is unable to monitor... The system simply thinks the PV being produced is grid power being used. The problem that has arisen is the batteries aren't disharging to the loads as expected in normal operation, only provoding load during day time hours but not in the evening, batteries don't even drop below 80% thereabouts. When grid outage is simluated by turning off the main switch, batteries discharge happily.

I'm wondering if this new unmonitored system on the shed is likely causing havoc with the ESS assistant, and what might be the best work around short of having to dig a trench and connect a PV meter for the new system at the shed? I was hoping I could conncet the SolarEdge much like a Fronius that's on the same network and simply 'search' for the PV Inverter, but that hasn't worked as yet.

Any advice greatly appreciated.



CCGX Color ControlAC PV Couplingsolaredge
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

is there a data line of some sort going there as you could install a victron AC sensor onto the pv inverters output and thus the multi and the cerbo would see its output, but at min you need a twisted pair, from the shed to the inverters.

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