
jsheehan avatar image
jsheehan asked

Generator not working with Multiplus 48/5000?

I have a new Pramac S5000 (Generator), I’ve been trying to charge my 3 x Pylontech US3000 batteries. Once generator has started, it sends a large amount of watts to the battery and then my Multiplus turns charging off, and then it turns on again and repeats the process. When the watts goes up the generator works hard. I’ve left it on for 30mins yes before and it eventually settled down to giving around 900watts to my batteries. Is there a way for my generator to work straight away and efficiently with my system.

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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·
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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

"Pramac S5000" suggests, that it is a 5kVA Generator, which has probably a limit of around 3,5-3,8kW.

I had a SDMO HX6000 running which has 4,8kW and my MultiPlus-II 24/5000 suck 3,9kW while charging with 120A. This brought the SDMO to the limits.

Generally you can not give a load of more the 2/3 of the rated continuous power on the generator.

Hence you should take your APP and limit the ACin current to something of 10-12A which you have to try out. If the Generator change its noise (working harder) go in steps of 1A down until the Generator make a nice noise.

Have a nice day

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