
Kasper avatar image
Kasper asked

All light flashing on Digital Multi Control 200/200A GX

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.I just finished putting a Quattro with a Digital Multi Control GX panel. and all things worked fine yesterday. But today all the lamps and the inverter lamp are blinking, but only on the Digital Multi Control not on the Quattro 24/5000 some ideas of what it can be?

chargererrorinstallationDigital Multi Control
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I see the screen flashed AC2 on the video

is there something wrong on AC2 in or maybe you have power on ac2 out

have you looked up the victron tool kit on the flashing lights and what they mean. I tried but that sequence does not show up

Is the quattro still working correctly ???

also is everything on the latest firmware

try connecting the DMC closer to the quattro and see if that helps

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

I think that it's in the mode where you can set individual max current limits for the various possible inputs.

Each flashing light sequence indicates a different type of input.

From memory you need to press (or hold) the configure button on the back to cycle through the options & get it back to normal mode.

The DMC manual explains this - have a read if you need more info.

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