
graham-perry avatar image
graham-perry asked

Connect Multiple Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger

Is it possible to connect 2 or more Phoenix Smart IP43 Chargers to a single battery bank to charge a large lithium battery bank?

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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Graham Perry,

yes that's possible. But take in mind that they don't talk to each other. Each PSC is on its own and have no idea what the others are doing.

If your system includes a SmartShunt or BMV-712, you can setup VE.Networking and let the PSC's join the same network so they all will get the same voltage information from the shunt.

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mal-l avatar image
mal-l answered ·

Graham - Phoenix Smart IP43 120-240V Chargers according to Victron Manual DO work as one on a network- see Link-

Synchronised charging capability enables multiple compatible chargers to be combined together in a common VE.Smart network, allowing the chargers to operate in unison as if they were ONE Large Charger!

However the Phoenix Smart IP43 230V Model does not (at least its not in the manual) so it depends what model you have, i have the 120-240V Model in which i have 4 in parallel and they do appear to sync charge steps just fine.

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aplord avatar image aplord commented ·

I am looking to piggy-back two more IP43 12v 50ah chargers on top of the one unit that I already have. So this thread is helpful. I have the IP43 12 50 (230) model, and from the VictronConnect menu I can indeed set up a VE.Smart network. So although the manual doesn't refer to it, perhaps it has the same synchronisation capabilities as the 120-240 model?

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