
peteb avatar image
peteb asked

If you press the front of your Multi does it turn off?

Hello Everyone,

I was bench testing a Multi 24/500/10 before I deployed it and I have noticed something very odd.

With the AC IN connected to the grid if you press/touch the front of the multi especially on the edge of the casing, even with the lightest of pressure the transfer switch opens and the Multi switches to inverting. After 10 seconds or so the Multi reconnects to the grid.

It looks like something is not quite right inside. There is no visible movement in the case when you press it but it must be enough to open a dry solder joint or something similar.

I have never had to RMA a victron product but unless I am wrong I will have to contact the dealer.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour?


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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I haven’t seen this behaviour, and would agree you should contact the dealer.

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Indeed, only thing you could check first if your AC in connector is properly seated, if you touch / move it, and the same happens, check the connector.

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peteb avatar image peteb Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

That was my first thought. I checked the terminations and the seating of the plug. Nothing happens when you wiggle the lead or plug. The Multi only cuts out when you press on areas of the plastic case. Very strange.

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