
treejohnny avatar image
treejohnny asked

Cerbo GX connection issue

I have a Cerbo GX with Touch 50 that is/was configured for a customer. This consists of SD card, adding it to my VRM account, and all of the settings that allows me to update firmware on Multiples inverter and connected VE direct devices.

Fast Forward 2 months and the Cerbo is infornt of me, saying it is online with IP address for days with good wifi and the VRM has not been updated.

I try to delete system from my VRM account "There is already an active transaction"

Any ideas?

cerbo gxVRM
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

What are all the settings in the cerbo correctly turned on ie

is VRM turned on and is it online in the cerbo and showing that its being updated, screen shot please (block out ID)

are all the other needed functions turned on

under VRM is two way com turned on

Remote console and enable VRM turned on and set to say 1 min updates

under general is remote support turned on

etc etc

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treejohnny avatar image treejohnny Paul B commented ·
Yes, the Cerbo has updated itself.

The settings are correct, it was online before and I have 20+ GX systems on my account.

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1 Answer
jw1971 avatar image
jw1971 answered ·

This is an ongoing issue and @mvader (Victron Energy) is aware of it.

You can go into the Victron Connect app and forget the wifi and then remember it and it will work for awhile again. Or you can reboot. Or you can use the ethernet port to a wifi bridge.

It seems the WiFi stack is fragile and gets "lost" at times where it thinks it's connected but not transmitting or receiving data.

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