
jimbo avatar image
jimbo asked

Pylontech High Voltage Alarm

Hi I'm getting hIgh Voltage warnings on the CCGX. I understand the cells need to internally balance as it's a new system. They are, slowly, day by day.

My issue is that I have set the DVCC to 53.2V to mitigate the alarms and to allow the cells to balance but it's not stoping the alarm!.

Any ideas?

The alarms currently trigger just above 52V.




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7 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Can you see the individual cell voltages? Could be that only one cell reaches the maximum allowed voltage and the BMS triggers the high voltage alarm.

If that's the case, lower the battery charging voltage (maybe start at 51.75V and gradually raise it to 52.5V and maybe even higher) and hope that the cells will top balance eventually.

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jimbo avatar image jimbo commented ·

@Seb71 The warnings are currently triggering at 52.04V. The CCGX (DVCC) overrides the Pylontech Voltage of 53.2V with 52.4V. I assumed there is an imbalance in the cells but with the DVCC set to override i should not be getting warnings.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 jimbo commented ·

You did not answer if you can see the cell voltages or not (I don't have a Pylontech battery and the documentation about their BMS that I could find is lacking).

You can easily have a cell over the maximum voltage when the battery voltage is only 52V.

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jimbo avatar image jimbo seb71 commented ·

Sorry mate. no not currently i am in the process of building a pylontech com cable.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie jimbo commented ·

Hi Guys

I have the wiring cable information and software to look at the Plylontech batteries parameters and cell voltages etc, if required.


Rob D


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jimbo avatar image jimbo Rob Duthie commented ·

@Rob Duthie got them already bro. thank you though.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Hi Yes they do this for new battery installs just ignore and it will come right. Have you updated all the new firmware in the inverters and controllers CCGX etc? As there are setting now to limit charge current and charge voltage etc until it settles down. Nothing to worry about, as i have done a few installs of these inverters and Pylontech batteries.


Rob D


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jimbo avatar image jimbo commented ·

@Rob Duthie Yip latest version FW on all expect MPII48/5000 as it's a beta according to the VRM.

i would have thought that manually setting the DVCC would mitigate the warnings?

Note: The “Limit managed battery charge voltage” feature should be left OFF, unless you are experiencing “High Voltage” or “Internal Error” alarms. These alarms can indicate that there is an internal cell imbalance in the battery. It may be useful in this situation to enable this feature, and then adjust the voltage limit down so that the batteries are able to balance charge without reaching over voltage internally. This imbalance is at a cell level, so might not be reflected as a high overall battery voltage if measured with a Multimeter. This can then be turned off once the battery has balanced itself properly.

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alan-falck avatar image
alan-falck answered ·

I've had these high discharge alarm messages for months the alarm say around 54A but sometimes I can draw 105A and get no alarm ... I've tried everything (MPIIgx 5Kva ESS, 5Kva LifePro4)


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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·
What is the battery firmware # as sometimes you have to do a battery firmware update on each module.

I have done this on some units to stablize them.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
You are describing a completely different issue to the post you have used.

Rather open a new subject and provide a full overview of your setup and the settings in use.

Otherwise it will all be crystalball 2.0 stuff.

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raymiller avatar image
raymiller answered ·

See the reference to Pylontech cell balancing Q&A. It would seem it is very common for new batteries to need the cells to balance and may take many hours depending on the imbalance. The fastest way is to go slowly (creep up on it) it would seem for as soon as the high voltage cell imbalance state alarm is tripped it stops the balancing process.

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hywan avatar image
hywan answered ·


I've the exact same problem. One battery was unusable (over 6), and has been replaced. Since then, when 52V is reached, the alarm beeped (+ high voltage alarm message) until the battery is full. Exactly what you describe here.

Did you solve your problem? It's been a month now, and it beeps everyday. It's driving me crazy :-).

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
You can turn the cerbo beep off, which will return the sanity.

You really need to leave them on "keep charged" for a couple of days to settle.

You can monitor the min/max cell voltages via VRM or the GX, that will show you how big a gap you have, if it persists the best solution then is to limit the CVL via DVCC until they balance.

Did you follow the process for adding a "new" battery which is documented in the manual?

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gunzenbomz avatar image
gunzenbomz answered ·

15 cells per pack x 3.5V = 52.4 max. Ingore what pylontech say is max voltage. If they had 16cells per pack it would be higher. Victron state to have max at 52.4 because of their own investigations & advice to follow it.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Hi All

Re the high voltage cell issue, with the older battery firmware version 2.4 when change up to Ver 3.4 much more stable plus the extra bonus the data of the cells is displayed on the GX device now as on version 2.4 it is not displayed the cell data.

If Pylontech firmware is required i do have copies. but you will need a RS232 lead to plug into the RS232 comms port to check etc.


Rob D


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michaelwulz avatar image michaelwulz commented ·

How do i can download the firmware for US2000 and US2000C?

Cable with rj11 and rj45 jack is here.


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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie michaelwulz commented ·

Send me your email address for the files.


Rob D


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h2009 avatar image h2009 Rob Duthie commented ·

Hi Rob

Could you kindly send me the firmware for US5000 please to my email:

Thank you.

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Related Resources

Victron Pylontech battery compatibility guide

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

CCGX Product Manual

CCGX Product page