
marcel-dijkman avatar image
marcel-dijkman asked

High voltage alarm pylontech

Hello, after looking on the community I can't find a correct answer.

the problem is a high voltage alarm on the ccgx. When the soc is 100% often the battery will get in high voltage alarm (above 54V).

the setup is done as discribed in the manual. e.a dvcc on, svs off, charge setting as discribed.

can anyone tell me where to look in the setup.

ESS system

Multiplus 2 3000/48

1 Pylontech us2000

1 SmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/35

Thanks in advance

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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·
Good morning,

Thank you very much for your patience.

So, I need to add a Pylontech US5000 battery, if I understand correctly.

You said: "in order to solve your problem, move the photovoltaic inverter to AC-In": does this mean that I must connect the arrival of the Photovoltaic PVs (in 220V "corrugated") directly to the AC- terminals in the Multiplus II?

Finally, thank you for the explanation of the ESS codes. So I can't use ESS, if I understand correctly?

Sorry for my questions. Fortunately you are friendly!

Best regards.
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16 Answers
hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

In that document for the Factor 1.0 rule, there are actually two rules inside.

The first is the factor 1.0, regarding inverter power and installed PV

The second is regarding installed PV and Battery capacity, which says that for a 6kWp PV, you'll need 19.2kWh Battery capacity installed...which would translate to a minimum of 4x US5000, where you have only 3 of these installed.

As I said in my edit above, this is for when PV inverters and loads are on AC-out and an island / backup system (i.e. when grid fails). For a grid connected system and ESS, in order to solve your problem, move the PV inverter to AC-In. Of course, in case of grid failure, this will leave you with the actual SoC to supply your loads.

Regarding the ESS code, I think what you are asking for is the grid code...this will be dependant of your location and grid-infrastructure type. You can only enter that once in the system and you will need a passcode in order to change it again..The "problem"/risk here is not to set the grid-code the first time, but rather changing it. This is for installers, not for end-users and not to be given here in public, hence.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Marcel Dijkman,

Can you please confirm if this an alarm or a warning?

Does the system shut down?

This can occur when the cells inside the lithium battery are not sufficiently balanced,

If the system is staying online, but just making the warning, then it should resolve itself over time as the cells automatically rebalance themselves.

It generally only happens on new installations.

More information is available as to what is happening inside the Pylontech with their own software and connection tools. You will need to contact your Pylontech distributor for more help with access to those if necessary.

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marcel-dijkman avatar image marcel-dijkman commented ·

Hi Stuwart,

It's running for aprox. 6 month now. First I will get a warning on e.a. 53.33V then it will get a alarm at 54.22V. the system then shut's down. I have also the same problem with a off-grid system that's longer operating.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ marcel-dijkman commented ·

Do you have a VRM site ID, or downloaded data from the GX device for the sites?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

There was a change in Venus 2.60 that increased the charge voltage for Pylontech.

I will notify the developers - for now, try reverting back to firmware version 2.58 (and disable automatic updates) to see if that helps to resolve the issue. It may also be possible to use the Stored Backup in the Firmware menu of the CCGX.

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marcel-dijkman avatar image marcel-dijkman commented ·

thanks I will do that.

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Frederick Koenraad avatar image Frederick Koenraad commented ·
Good Day Guy

I have in the last two weeks, had couple of sites that started with High Voltage Alarms, but only on the GX device. All Voltages are according to Pylontech and Victron standards.

Two sites have been on keep batteries charge for two weeks and as soon as it was taken off, it started again and is normally between 10:00-13:00 hours in the afternoon.

Would possible be able to assist.


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dgnevans avatar image
dgnevans answered ·

when you get the alarms is your system charging off solar or from the grid?
Does your mppt show external control?

What absorption voltage and float voltage have you go set on bother your Multiplus and you mppt for both setups?

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marcel-dijkman avatar image marcel-dijkman commented ·

it's not really charging because the battery is full.

absorption 52V float 51V, I did set it 1 volt down and today no alarm.

mppt absorption 52

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felin54 avatar image
felin54 answered ·


J'ai le même problème !!! Dés que j'ai une bonne production solaire et coupure EDF, il y a une surcharge "high voltage" au bout de 5 à 10 minutes, et pourtant j'ai réglé au préalable la charge batterie à 48,8 v...

Résultat : bien que la batterie soit chargée à moins de 97%, la tension remonte à plus de 54V en "autonome " (en coupure EDF)

Quand le réseau EDF est rétabli : La charge redevient normale.....

Je pense qu'il y a un problème de réglage sur le Victron Multi-Plu II.... J'ai suivis tous les tutos et respecté les données constructeur Pylontech, mais rien n' y fait...

Que faire ?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.


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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·

Et bien sûr : les batteries sont bien "équilibrées" , et les cellules aussi, J'ai fais plusieurs égalisations...


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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·

Pour mon historique : (récapitulatif afin que cela soit plus précis)

J'ai (il y a depuis 3 ans) fait installer des photovoltaïques (6 KW) en autoconsommation, avec vente de surplus à EDF. L’arrivée de ma production est directement raccordée à mon tableau électrique principal.

Et tout fonctionne bien depuis des années.

Nouvellement, je viens d'installé 2 Multiplus II 48/5000/70 de chez Victron avec 3 Pylontech U5000/48V.

Tout fonctionne presque bien, sauf que lorsque je coupe le compteur EDF, mon système Victro/ Pylontech prend le relais sans problème. Mais : pendant la coupure du compteur EDF (pour simuler une coupure EDF) les batteries envoient bien le courant vers le tableau principal de ma maison,( je le vois via l'écran VRM de mon cerrvo GX).

Toutefois, par intermittence , le solaire recharge mes batteries (lorsque mes besoins en énergie sont inférieurs à ma production photovoltaïque) et provoque une surcharge de mes batteries : mes batteries montent alors à plus de 54V, donc alarme... (high voltage)

Si je "coupe" les disjoncteurs des photovoltaïques qui alimentent mon tableau principal maison, (donc arrêt total de ma production) alors tout redeviens normal, mais je perds ma production solaire....

Le problème est : si il y a un coupure EDF inopinée, je dois être là pour disjoncter mon installation PV.....

Donc, pour l'instant, je ne peut pas profiter de mon installation Victron/Pylontech, car il y a risque de" surcharge ! Je ne tiens pas à "griller " mes batteries....

Comment obliger le Multi-Plus Victron. à ne pas recharger mes batteries lorsqu'il y a une coupure de courant réseau EDF ?

Si quelqu'un a une explication, je suis preneur. Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Bien cordialement.


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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·
Good morning,

Thanks a lot for your help.

For factor 1.0: I have 2 Multiplus II 50/70 5000 = a capacity of 10,000 W in total. As my photovoltaic PV production capacity is 5000 Wp maximum, I am below the authorized ceiling for my 2 Multiplus.

I think I have to use the ESS system! But when I select it (ESS assistant) I am asked for a code! I can't find this code at Victron: "page not found"

I specify that I have the right to resell the surplus PV, and therefore, I would need the manufacturer code to activate the ESS assistant on the VEconfigure3 software.

Can you provide it to me? or give me the link to access this code?

Thank you for your patience and valuable help.
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hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

@felin54 sorry, I don't speak French...relying on the google translate here.

The way I see it, your problem is, that you did not follow the Factor 1.0 rule:

..and probably your AC coupled PV-Inverter will not follow / or is not able to follow the frequency shifting required in case the grid fails but solar intake is plenty.

Edit: so, in order to prevent charging from solar, when Grid fails, leave the PV inverter installed on AC-In/Grid Side. But this will also prevent direct PV use in case Grid fails.

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felin54 avatar image
felin54 answered ·
  1. Good morning,
  2. Thank you very much for your patience.
  3. So, I need to add a Pylontech US5000 battery, if I understand correctly.
  4. You said: "in order to solve your problem, move the photovoltaic inverter to AC-In": does this mean that I must connect the arrival of the Photovoltaic PVs (in 220V "corrugated") directly to the AC- terminals in the Multiplus II?
  5. Finally, thank you for the explanation of the ESS codes. So I can't use ESS, if I understand correctly?
  6. Sorry for my questions. Fortunately you are friendly!
  7. Best regards.
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hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

no, you do not necessarily need a fourth US5000C. If will depend on how you design and install your system.

As far as I understood from your information, before you installed the victron/pylontech components, you already had a 6kWp PV system and PV-Inverter installed. That PV inverter is connected to your Grid, so you can feed-in access PV-Power, when available. hence this PV-Inverter is an AC-coupled Inverter.

Now, when you installed the victron/pylontech components, at least this is what I assumed, you did install both the MP-II (either 2-phase or 1-phase parallel configuration) in a way to back-up the house/loads when grid fails. hence you connected the Grid (EDF-side) to AC-In of the MP-II and your house to the AC-Out1 for essential loads of the MP-II ....AND you also connected the AC-coupled PV-Inverter to AC-Out1 as well.

This, if grid fails, would still enable the installation to use the PV to charge the battery and supply power to the House, either from PV or Battery.

Look at this diagram:

You PV inverter is the one on the same line of essential loads of the MP-II (bottom right side), not the one on the Grid-Line (top right side). If in this case the rules given in the Factor 1.0 rule document are not satisfied, the system will not work correctly.

So, instead of connecting your PV inverter to the AC-Out1 line of the MP-II, you should connect it to the AC-In (grid) line of the MP-II ... in this case, the factor-1 rules do simply not apply.

Also, in general, for victron and pylontech batteries, this setup needs to be followed exactly, always:

RE ESS, yes you should be able to run an ESS, as you have in general a grid connection (ESS will only work, while grid is connected/active/not failed). When connecting to the Grid, the proper Grid code for your EDF DSO in your area needs to be given and configured into the MP-II.

As you are referring to connecting to the MP-II AC terminals directly, I am unsure if this is a problem of both of us not using our native language or if you are too inexperienced to make that installation the latter case, you should make use of the help of an experienced installer of victron gear.

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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·
Sorry, I translate by Google, and it's true that I don't understand the English language... This results in some errors... I will try to be more precise.

You wrote :

"As far as I understood from your information, before you installed the victron/pylontech components, you already had a 6kWp PV system and PV-Inverter installed. That PV inverter is connected to your Grid, so you can feed-in access PV-Power, when available. hence this PV-Inverter is an AC-coupled Inverter.

Now, when you installed the victron/pylontech components, at least this is what I assumed, you did install both the MP-II (either 2-phase or 1-phase parallel configuration) in a way to back-up the house/loads when grid fails. hence you connected the Grid (EDF-side) to AC-In of the MP-II and your house to the AC-Out1 for essential loads of the MP-II ....AND you also connected the AC-coupled PV-Inverter to AC-Out1 as well.

This, if grid fails, would still enable the installation to use the PV to charge the battery and supply power to the House, either from PV or Battery."

= Yess!

However, a small difference: my PV inverter is directly connected to the EDF input via the main panel of the house by an approved EDF installer (it was he who carried out all the PV connections in accordance with the standards, AND I do not haven't touched or modified anything). AND when the multiplus switches to "inverter" mode (via the OUT1 output) it sends the battery current back to the main panel of the house! So, in the event of an EDF power outage: the OUT1 output of the multiplus supplies the main house panel + the photovoltaic PV which is also connected to the same main panel of the house (when it produces when there is sun) And to the After 5 to 10 minutes, when the PV produces more than approximately 1000 Watts: the voltage "rises" in the batteries and causes an overload alarm ("high Voltage").

My dealer recommended this Victron + Pylontech system to me which, according to him, could accept the 220V photovoltaic PV load + the Victron/Pylontech inverter load at the same time to power the main panel of the house (and thus avoid overloading). )

That's why I thought maybe ESS could solve this problem....
But, as the EDF network codes with password are not given to me (not given to the public, as you clearly explained to me) I think I am in a dead end...

But, being a home automation electrician, I know how to automatically cancel the PV charge in the event of an EDF power outage. But, in this case, I lose my PV production.

I'm afraid that the information I received from my supplier is not accurate: hence my confusion...

(I thought there was simply an adjustment to be made on the MultiPlus II....)

Best regards.


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felin54 avatar image felin54 felin54 commented ·
  1. Sorry, I translate by Google, and it's true that I don't understand the English language... This results in some errors... I will try to be more precise.
  3. You wrote :

"As far as I understood from your information, before you installed the victron/pylontech components, you already had a 6kWp PV system and PV-Inverter installed. That PV inverter is connected to your Grid, so you can feed-in access PV-Power, when available. hence this PV-Inverter is an AC-coupled Inverter.

Now, when you installed the victron/pylontech components, at least this is what I assumed, you did install both the MP-II (either 2-phase or 1-phase parallel configuration) in a way to back-up the house/loads when grid fails. hence you connected the Grid (EDF-side) to AC-In of the MP-II and your house to the AC-Out1 for essential loads of the MP-II ....AND you also connected the AC-coupled PV-Inverter to AC-Out1 as well.

This, if grid fails, would still enable the installation to use the PV to charge the battery and supply power to the House, either from PV or Battery."

= Yess!

  1. However, a small difference: my PV inverter is directly connected to the EDF input via the main panel of the house by an approved EDF installer (it was he who carried out all the PV connections in accordance with the standards, AND I do not haven't touched or modified anything). AND when the multiplus switches to "inverter" mode (via the OUT1 output) it sends the battery current back to the main panel of the house! So, in the event of an EDF power outage: the OUT1 output of the multiplus supplies the main house panel + the photovoltaic PV which is also connected to the same main panel of the house (when it produces when there is sun) And to the After 5 to 10 minutes, when the PV produces more than approximately 1000 Watts: the voltage "rises" in the batteries and causes an overload alarm ("high Voltage").
  3. My dealer recommended this Victron + Pylontech system to me which, according to him, could accept the 220V photovoltaic PV load + the Victron/Pylontech inverter load at the same time to power the main panel of the house (and thus avoid overloading). )
  5. That's why I thought maybe ESS could solve this problem....
  6. But, as the EDF network codes with password are not given to me (not given to the public, as you clearly explained to me) I think I am in a dead end...
  8. But, being a home automation electrician, I know how to automatically cancel the PV charge in the event of an EDF power outage. But, in this case, I lose my PV production.
  10. I'm afraid that the information I received from my supplier is not accurate: hence my confusion...
  12. (I thought there was simply an adjustment to be made on the MultiPlus II....)
  14. Best regards.


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hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

OK, now I understand a bit better, I think.

  1. If you want to use PV generated Power, even when grid fails, you need to respect both rules of the factor 1.0 rule document.
  2. it is still unclear, how your MP-II are set up and connected.
    Obviously, your house panel, as you described, is connected to ac-out1
    I assume, that your grid connection is connected to AC-In ???
    So when you installed the two MP-II, you actually did cut the EDF connection between Grid and House Panel and put the MPII in between, with AC-In on Grid/EDF side and AC-Out1 on House side??
  3. In order to use an ESS, you will need a grid meter, that can be used with Victron GX
    Did you have one installed and do you have a Cerbo GX or is one of your MP-II a GX model??
  4. it is unclear, how your victron + pylontech gear is configured ..
  5. There is not a simple adjustment to be made...if everything has been installed and configured correctly, the system will just case of grid failure and PV overrun, the MPII will force the PV Inverter to cut down/off by changing the AC frequency on AC-out1...or even, depending on the make and model of the PV inverter by means of a dedicated control channel....this as well is listed in the victron documentation.
  6. Again, the combination with pylontech batteries needs a detailed configuration...54V, as you mentioned, are way too high and the Pylontech BMS should have protected the batteries...but it indicated, that you did not follow the configuration, given in the dedicated document (the MPII will cut at 52.24V if configured correctly)

Last Info: ...all you need, including info of the ESS installation, settings and configuration can be found in the tutorials for professional installers. You can simply register as one.

Just mind you, that a 2 phase or parallel setup is more complex to do.

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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·
Here are some answers to your questions:

You wrote :
“Obviously your house panel, as you described, is connected to ac-out1
I assume your grid connection is connected to AC-In??? »
Answer: YES

You wrote :
“So when you installed the two MP-IIs, you actually cut the EDF connection between the grid and the house panel and put the MPII in between, with AC-In on the Grid/EDF side and AC- Out1 on the house side?? »
Answer: YES

You wrote :
“Do you have one installed and do you have a Cerbo GX or is one of your MP-IIs a GX model? »
Answer :
I have an updated Gerbo GX that drives the 2 MP-IIs + a MK3 USB adapter

The Victron MP-II are in “single phase parallel” and the battery voltage limited to 50.8 V as recommended. The battery charge values that I entered on VEconfigure3 for the battery charge are: those indicated by Pylontech, “Fe ion-li battery” option.

This limitation works perfectly, except in inverter + PV mode, when the PV produces more than my needs (but when I stop the PV: everything returns to normal, normal charging and discharging)
On the other hand: When I consume more energy than my PV + inverter production, it is inventing it which regulates and provides me with the difference in energy that is missing!
(When I consume less energy than my PV produces: after approximately 5 mm = the inventer goes into battery charging and the surplus PV also powers the batteries! (Going through OUT1 of the MP-II: I know it because I manually cut off the power supply to the IN1 inputs of the MP-II, and yet, this leads to a battery overload alarm
(but as I am next to the circuit breakers, I always cut off the power to the batteries in time to avoid their degradation)

If I understood correctly: is there really a possibility of remedying the situation? (ESS?)

I will follow your advice: register in the PRO forum to have the tutorials and installation parameters.

Thank you again for your explanations.

Best regards.
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chuff avatar image
chuff answered ·

Bonjour, vous êtes où dans le 54?

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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·

Bonjour, oui, je suis à PIENNES 54490

Mon téléphone: 06 22 35 04 60



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felin54 avatar image
felin54 answered ·
Here are some answers to your questions:

You wrote :
“Obviously your house panel, as you described, is connected to ac-out1
I assume your grid connection is connected to AC-In??? »
Answer: YES

You wrote :
“So when you installed the two MP-IIs, you actually cut the EDF connection between the grid and the house panel and put the MPII in between, with AC-In on the Grid/EDF side and AC- Out1 on the house side?? »
Answer: YES

You wrote :
“Do you have one installed and do you have a Cerbo GX or is one of your MP-IIs a GX model? »
Answer :
I have an updated Gerbo GX that drives the 2 MP-IIs + a MK3 USB adapter

The Victron MP-II are in “single phase parallel” and the battery voltage limited to 50.8 V as recommended. The battery charge values that I entered on VEconfigure3 for the battery charge are: those indicated by Pylontech, “Fe ion-li battery” option.

This limitation works perfectly, except in inverter + PV mode, when the PV produces more than my needs (but when I stop the PV: everything returns to normal, normal charging and discharging)
On the other hand: When I consume more energy than my PV + inverter production, it is inventing it which regulates and provides me with the difference in energy that is missing!
(When I consume less energy than my PV produces: after approximately 5 mm = the inventer goes into battery charging and the surplus PV also powers the batteries! (Going through OUT1 of the MP-II: I know it because I manually cut off the power supply to the IN1 inputs of the MP-II, and yet, this leads to a battery overload alarm
(but as I am next to the circuit breakers, I always cut off the power to the batteries in time to avoid their degradation)

If I understood correctly: is there really a possibility of remedying the situation? (ESS?)

I will follow your advice: register in the PRO forum to have the tutorials and installation parameters.

Thank you again for your explanations.

Best regards.
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hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered · should also follow the Advice in Section 5 of the Factor 1.0 rule doc:

5 Software configuration
Multis and Quattros with factory settings will not shift the AC output frequency to regulate charge current. When setting up an AC Coupled system, install either the ESS Assistant (for grid-connected systems) or the PV Inverter Support Assistant (for off-grid systems). your case, with a grid connected system as general rule, you should opt for ESS.

Edit: and you will need to install a grid meter for ESS...see the Documentation.

And still, you might need a 4th US5000C as said earlier.

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felin54 avatar image felin54 commented ·
Thank you so much.

I'm going to follow your advice, and buy the device I'm missing (the current control clamp) and program all of this next week (time to receive the device).

I wish you a good Sunday !!!
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felin54 avatar image
felin54 answered ·
Thank you so much.

I'm going to follow your advice, and buy the device I'm missing (the current control clamp) and program all of this next week (time to receive the device).

I wish you a good Sunday !!!
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felin54 avatar image
felin54 answered ·

Ça y est, je donne des nouvelles : un spécialiste Victron est venu chez moi et a installé le mode ESS et TOUT est rentré dans l'ordre ! En moins de 2 heures tout fonctionne parfaitement !! Le mode ESS est primordial et communique avec les PV Photovoltaïques ! Pour info : l'installation PV FHE est bien compatible avec Victron et Victron communique avec les Q-Relais FHE sans problème !!! Moralité : Mon Installation était bien correcte, mais sans les réglages ESS (et les codes ESS de l'expert Victron) l'onduleur/chargeur Victron ne sert à rien ! Moralité : il faut passer par l'expert Victron, sinon votre installation ne sert à rien, voire à vous mettre en danger (explosion batterie du à la surcharge ! ) Bravo à "chuff" qui a régler le problème: le réglage ESS.

A vrai dire, je suis inquiet pour les autres utilisateurs : le danger est réel ! Si vous n'avez pas les codes : on vous vend une bombe à retardement: risque d'explosion, incendie, risque pour la vie d'autrui.... Pourtant, il n'y a AUCUNE EXPLICATION sur les danger encourus lorsque l'on vous vend un "Kit prêt à l'emploi" . D'accord, l'installation est bien documentée par les revendeurs, mais ils ne disent pas que vous jouez avez votre vie (et celles de votre famille) si les réglages ne sont pas faits par un expert, qui lui seul, possède les codes ESS. C'est comme si on vous un véhicule SANS sa colonne de direction... Je n'imaginais pas qu'une telle chose puisse être possible selon la législation française...

That's it, I have some news: a Victron specialist came to my house and installed the ESS mode and EVERYTHING is back to normal! In less than 2 hours everything works perfectly!! ESS mode is essential and communicates with the Photovoltaic PVs! FYI: the FHE PV installation is compatible with Victron and Victron communicates with the FHE Q-Relays without problem!!! Moral: My Installation was correct, but without the ESS settings (and the ESS codes from the Victron expert) the Victron inverter/charger is useless! Moral: you have to go through the Victron expert, otherwise your installation is of no use, or even puts you in danger (battery explosion due to overload!) Bravo to "chuff" who solved the problem: the ESS adjustment.

To tell the truth, I'm worried for other users: the danger is real! If you do not have the codes: you are sold a time bomb: risk of explosion, fire, risk to the lives of others.... However, there is NO EXPLANATION on the dangers incurred when the We sell you a “Ready to use kit”. Okay, the installation is well documented by the resellers, but they do not say that you are gambling with your life (and those of your family) if the adjustments are not made by an expert, who alone has the codes ESS. It's as if you were given a vehicle WITHOUT its steering column... I didn't imagine that such a thing could be possible according to French legislation...
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felin54 avatar image
felin54 answered ·

J'interpelle VICTRON qui a l'obligation de fournir un matériel propre à l'emploi : c'est à dire : d'obliger les revendeurs à destination du grand public : de vendre les produits "finis" propre à l'utilisation du public, réellement "propre" à l'emploi : CONFIGURES !!!! Bien sûr cela ne peut se faire qu'en prévoyant une formation au revendeur d'abords, car ils ne savent pas quoi vous répondre.. pour cerner l'utilisation du client et lui donner les règles essentielles pour son projet, tout au moins lui expliquer les risques encourus. Ne pas transmettre les codes ESS, ou une autre méthode équivalente (que je ne connais pas), est un non sens, une aberration.... qui ne peut que mener à l'erreur, voire à l'inévitable

Pourtant les produits Victron sont vraiment exeptionnels, et c'est du "haut de gamme" , ils sont à la pointe de ce qui ce fait de mieux dans cette catégorie. Je souhaiterais une meilleure information, car le savoir n'est rien si on ne communique pas. Cela dessert leur technologie, et c'est bien dommage.

I call on VICTRON which has the obligation to provide equipment suitable for use: that is to say: to oblige resellers intended for the general public: to sell "finished" products suitable for use by the public , really "clean" to use: CONFIGURES!!!! Of course this can only be done by providing training to the reseller first, because they don't know what to answer you... to understand the customer's use and give him the essential rules for his project, at least for him explain the risks involved. Not transmitting ESS codes, or another equivalent method (which I do not know), is nonsense, an aberration.... which can only lead to error, or even the inevitable

However, Victron products are truly exceptional, and they are “top of the range”, they are at the forefront of what is best in this category. I would like better information, because knowledge is nothing if you don't communicate. This is a disservice to their technology, and that's a shame.
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maa answered ·

Qu'est-ce que tu entends par "codes ESS"?

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