
acdc-hansi avatar image
acdc-hansi asked

High battery voltage alarm on ccgx coming from mppt


MPPT ControllersCCGX Color Controloffgridalarm
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Maybe its a High voltage warning for the panel High volts going over 150 volts, so whats the max OC voltage of the solar string, As I could see the string voltage going high when the batteries are full and the MPPT is turning off.

As you are NOT on the VRM its a bit hard to tell, but in one of you screen shots I see the Panel voltage was 111 volts and on a very cold day with a lot of sun Maybe the voltage is getting up there

and maybe there is a display fault and reading is 151.63 volts and not 51.63

to prove this or not drop one panel out of the strings for a while and see if the problem stops

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