
joel-cherian avatar image
joel-cherian asked

How to access Cerbo Gx connected to a router?

I have been trying to access the cerbo gx's remote console connected a router but was unsuccessful. Is this function disabled int the Cerbo gx? I have tried port forwarding in the router and all the possibilties to connect to the remote console. I have access to all the other devices connected to the router. Thanks

cerbo gxremote console
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If you are on the LAN side of your router, you should be able to bring up the GUI in a web browser by entering the IP address of the Cerbo. Sometimes "venus.local" also works.

You need to turn on Enable on LAN in the Remote Console settings.

If you want to see Cerbo on VRM, you need to turn on Enable on VRM and also set up VRM with Cerbo's VRM Portal ID.

You also need to make sure Cerbo is either connected to an ethernet port on the router or set up Cerbo to connect via Wi-Fi.

If you are trying to access from the WAN side of the router, you need to set up the following port forwards in the router to point to the Venus device:

22 TCP for SSH

80 TCP for the main GUI

9001 for the marine GUI (venus.local/app)

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joel-cherian avatar image joel-cherian commented ·

Hey I am accessing my router through VPN. Maybe that's why its not connecting?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem joel-cherian commented ·

I know nothing about VPN but sounds like a plausible reason it isn't working.

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yassinesafer avatar image
yassinesafer answered ·

i'm having the same issue by accesing my cerbo gx through VPN, did you find a solution to this problem?

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uelpenich avatar image
uelpenich answered ·

I cannot access the cerbo gx console in a wired LAN on a Windows11 system neither with Firefox nor with Google Chrome browser. The connecting windows appears, but no further displays.

It works fine with Microsoft Edge Browser.

What is wrong with firefox and chrome? (Canvas drawing??)

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uelpenich avatar image uelpenich commented ·

Firmware V3.11 doesn't solve the problem.

Sorry for my typing error. Correct is
Firmware V3.31 doesn't solve the Firefox or Google Chrome problem.
It works fine with Microsoft Edge Browser.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ uelpenich commented ·
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Related Resources

Remote Console on VRM - Troubleshooting

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic