
nicholas-gouloussis avatar image
nicholas-gouloussis asked

Cerbo GX bluetooth connection lost.

Hi all,

I accidentally hit "forget this device" for the bluetooth connection to my Cerbo GX and from that point i am not able to find Cerbo GX in my bluetooth list on an iphone running the latest OS version.

I tried restarting both Cerbo and the iphone with no luck. I also tried to change the Cerbo GX name but again this failed although i am able to connect to it using bleutooth using another phone or any other bleutooth device (i.e. my laptop).

It seems that resetting my network settings on the iphone will fix this issue but it will also delete all my wi-fi settings which i want to avoid.

Anyone had this issue before?

Thank you in advance.

cerbo gxBluetooth
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2 Answers
rob8888 avatar image
rob8888 answered ·

Hi there

I’m having exactly the same issues. New cerbo., I cannot connect at all with my iPhone 7. No devices are found in VE connect, and no Bluetooth devices are showing in phone. And yet the cerbo can network to the hotspot on the same phone to access internet. Frustratingly, an old iPad mini has no problem connecting with Bluetooth or wifi. This is becoming a very frustrating experience bc it’s a remote site without wifi and I really need to be able to connect the phone. I’ve updated to latest firmware (2.66 from memory) and rebooted phone. Starting to tear my hair out. Anyone with any suggestions?

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tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

Is Bluetooth enabled in the Cerbo? It can be disabled in the settings menu.

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rob8888 avatar image rob8888 commented ·

Yes, the blue light goes steady with the iPad connection. But the iPad has no internet capability though.

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