
João Pedro Morais avatar image
João Pedro Morais asked

How to get a "production/no production" signal from an off-grid system with a CCGX, Victron Quattro and Fronius Primo?

Hi guys

I have an off-grid system with a Victron Quattro, 2 fronius primo, BYD Box batteries and a CCGX.

I need to get a signal of "production/no production" from one of the components of the system so I can control my Heat Pump and disconnect it when the solar production is off.

Can you please help?


João Morais

CCGX Color ControlFroniusvictron community
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2 Answers
tpwchr avatar image
tpwchr answered ·

Maybe using the relay of the quattro can help you,

you can also search about freeds to derive the solar exceedance to build it yourself and also the carlotron which you can directly buy

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Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image
Vangelis Beligiannis answered ·

The best way is to use the ENERGY FLOW MANAGEMENT USING THE FOUR DIGITAL OUTPUTS on the Fronius.

You can input the production lower limit in the fronius settings menu and it will trigger the port on the fronius datamanager. See all the details on the link below.


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CCGX Product Manual

CCGX Product page

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