
razzmus avatar image
razzmus asked

Cerbo GX enable touch for larger screen


Is it possible to make the Cerbo GX accept a different touchscreen and get the touch functionality working. I have chosen a brand of touchscreen that should be supported by most Rpi versions out of the box, but touch still doesnt work with the Cerbo.

Any tips are welcome.

cerbo gxgx device
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9 Answers
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

As far as I'm aware the GX Touch uses I2C data on the HDMI feed for the touch input which is non-standard. The USB is just for power.

So long story short, is no, it wouldn't be possible.

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jean-joubert avatar image
jean-joubert answered ·

A bit late, but here is what I've done to get a 7inch Waveshare screen (1024 x 600) to work with touch.

Connect to your Cerbo via SSH.
Run the following commands...

  1. opkg update
  2. opkg install tslib-calibrate

Enable headless mode...

  1. touch /etc/venus/headless

Reboot your Cerbo.
Set screen resolution and run calibration utility...

  1. fbset -xres 1024 -yres 600
  2. ts_calibrate

Now go to the screen and do the actual calibration on the screen.
Once calibration is done disable headless mode...

  1. rm /etc/venus/headless

Reboot your Cerbo again and touch should be working.

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Julian avatar image Julian commented ·
Tried this with a Pi running Venus os V3.31 and it worked a charm.

However tried the same on a genuine Cerbo GX and get a folder not found when trying to run ts_calibrate, any ideas why?

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bowpay avatar image
bowpay answered ·

I can't stress enough that this feature should be on the top of the list. Having a single very responsive screen SUCKS. I so badly want a screen for the front of my RV but have to settle for a browser. I still think that Victron needs to think about scaling here. I should be able to buy another Cerbo GX and Touch and use the Cerbo as a Master/Slave relationship where the Slave mirrors the Master and extends sensors, ports, etc. Scaling seems to be Victron's biggest hurdle right now. OR if scaling is a major hurdle then provide a pub/sub REST service that allows customers to build their own UI.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Just a thought: Can you control the GUI on Cerbo with a USB mouse? If so, you should be able to add the USB touchscreen stuff that's used for Venus on the Raspberry PIs.

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tilapia avatar image
tilapia answered ·

I have the same issue. I spent over $5,000 on Victron products, but my eyes are old and can't easily see the 5" monitor. I purchased a generic touch screen (large so I can see). The image is fine, but the touch is not working. I can attach a mouse, which works, but not the touch screen part. What's the deal, where is the support? I will pay for a download patch, just please fix this problem.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·


Yes you can use the raspi with there 7inch touch screen just connect thew the wifi access port, I use the kiosk mode to do this, as the raspi has wifi and bluetooth. so only needs power.

So it can be remote mounted etc.

You can pinch zoom etc.




Rob D


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I have a 7" HDMI touchscreen that works with Cerbo. It uses USB touch like most do. It was plug and play. No tweaks.

Make sure you aren't using the USB port closest to the HDMI connector. That one is power only.

Victron also now sells the GX Touch 70, a 7" version of the same excellent 5" touchscreen. I switched to that a while back.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Kevin Windrem commented ·
Hi Kevin

So what was the model of HDMI you used? as a matter of interest? I use the raspi touch screen and CPU to do remote monitering via its WiFi link.

Also i am about to use yor Vecan setup to get the the USBcan working again on the raspi, i see they have gone back to zeus from dunfell in the candiate ver in the packages.

I have also the relay x6 on the front setting page working again, after the venus update etc.?


Rob D


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Rob Duthie commented ·

It is this one made by Waveshare:

I also used the "official 7" Raspberry PI touchscreen"

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jerry-beck avatar image jerry-beck Kevin Windrem commented ·
Kevin, I am trying to do this too, are you using only the Waveshare 7" and just logging into the Cerbo-GX via WiFi or what?

If you would not mind, if allowable by the fourm, can you email me jerry at jerrybeck dot com?

Thank You

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem jerry-beck commented ·
The Waveshare is connected to the PI via HDMI and USB for touch.
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Dennis Leth Andersen avatar image
Dennis Leth Andersen answered ·


I had the same issue with my new 7" touch screen 1024x600 IPS and the cerbo GX. Nothing looks normal and the touch function doesn't work.

When I turn Off the Cerbo GX, connected the HDMI to the Screen and the USB cable for the touch on the second USB port on the cerbo GX.

When I power ON the Cerbo GX, and now the touch screen works perfectly. Very simple and easy.

Hope this work for you.

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boater avatar image
boater answered ·

I am bumping this up to see if there is any new information available? I have a 16" screen which sends touch information out via USB...will this work to view/control a Cerbo GX? I would prefer not to add another screen if I can utilize the one already installed.

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octafish avatar image
octafish answered ·

I'm also going to bump up this topic.

I'm viewing the Venus GX info/display through my networked Simrad 9" MFD (model NSS EVO3S)

The Simrad resolution is a crisp 1280 x 720 but the Victron info/display (via the HTML5 app) is miniature and sits in the middle of a dark screen, while simultaneously being hard to read, since it's so small!

I wish it could scale Victron info to MAX width, or have a font increase/decrease button that made for a better and more customizable user experience.

Any leads as to how to fix this, I'm running the Venus GX off a Raspberry Pi.

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Julian avatar image
Julian answered ·

I fell at the first hurdle. When I run ts_calibrate I just get an error

ts_setup: No such file or directory

Using a genuine Cerbo and generic 7" touch screen, I'd already bought it before reading this post.

It seems the Waveshare brand might just have worked out of the box.

My screen displays correctly but the touch isn't working properly, I'm guessing calibration is way out, randomly poking the screen does sometimes flip between the menu and main display but that's about it, certainly can't select things or navigate the menus.

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